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The practice room is so loud after we're done dancing.
Talking after practicing makes you more tired, but we really love to talk, especially, in a break time like this. Apparently, it's everyone's way to gain their energy back. We will talk until they're strong enough to get up and go back to the dorm. So, for now... Conversation time!

"Guys, can you hear me for a second?" our leader Jihyo, who has Aquarius on her sun and Scorpio on her moon aspect, speaks in front of the group. "Guys, guys! I have an announcement!"
"GUYS, JIHYO HAS AN ANNOUNCEMENT!" Nayeon, the Virgo Sun/Leo Moon, yells. Suddenly, every one of us is silent.
"Alright. thank you, Nayeon," Jihyo tells her. After that, she announces some messages she gets from our agency. It's not a long announcement. After that, we become loud again.
The group is kinda split into a couple of groups. In one group, Momo (Scorpio Sun/Libra Moon) is telling a story to Dahyun (Gemini Sun/Cancer Moon) and Chaeyoung (Taurus Sun/Leo Moon). At the other side, 6-mix are joking around together. I'm with Mina (Aries Sun/Libra Moon) doing nothing. I don't know where Sana is. Ah, Tzuyu is not here as well...

Okay, I have enough rest!
"Mina, do you want to go back?" I ask her. She looks kinda tired, hmm. "Uh... I'm so sweaty I wanna take a shower first before going home," I say.
"Here?" she's confirming what I just said.
"You wanna come?" I ask her.
"I... I'll catch up later. I'm still really tired I'm so sorry." So, individualist. Typical Aries Mina, sigh.
"It's okay, Pretty," I answer before leave and get out of the room. I do really feel sweaty but, actually, I was lying about going to take a shower. I wanna find Sana or Tzuyu.

I don't know but... I just feel kinda uncomfortable with the group these days.....

I open the door and walk to the alley. They're not there. I peek at the rooms one by one that I pass through, wondering if they're inside one of them. I really have no idea where they can be. Tzuyu is quite random, she can be anywhere. A Gemini, right? And, usually, Sana hates to be alone. She has to be accompanied by someone or some people right now. That's her Leo talking. Wait, did I just describe Tzuyu as 'random' and not Sana? Sana is the symbol of randomness! Ohh, I must be out of my mind...

I arrive in the front of a recording studio. I open the door and, my feeling is correct. They're here! Both of them. Tzuyu is behind the glass room, singing a song, while Sana is watching her from the outside, along with the other staffs. I smile and wave my hand at Tzuyu to encourage her, before I sit beside Sana.
"What is happening here?" I ask Sana, the Capricorn Sun/Leo Moon.
"Pre-recording. Tzuyu asks me to, umm, accompany her. Hehe... Why are you here?!" she asks me as surprised as I see them here.
"Just pass by... Wow, doing this after dancing? Congrats to her anyway! She hasn't told me anything. Ng, I hope she's doing great."
"Yeah, she's doing awesome."
She asks Sana to go with her? That's new! I'm not saying that I'm jealous.....
"What is it?" Sana asks me.
"Oh oh, nothing! Hehe..."
After that, both of us are watching Tzuyu recording the song. Sana embraces my arm. Skinship, no surprise. There are a lot of laughs during the recording, I guess our Gemini Sun/Gemini Moon girl is having so much fun. I'm happy for Tzuyu. I'm proud of her.

When three of us come back to the practice room, most of them are already gone. Nayeon and Momo are still there waiting for us. "To the dorm, right?" I ask.
"Of course. How is it, Tzuyu? You look happy."
"Oh, she did great!" Sana says while patting Tzuyu's head. "Momo-ya, do I still have a debt with you?"
"Do you? I don't remember such things. Just consider it paid."
"Hmm, I don't think so..."

Five of us walk to the car.
Our driver is already waiting in front of the building, so we are going there. Behind the door, I can see some people are waiting from afar. Might be fans. As soon as Nayeon opens JYPe's building front door, we can hear them all cheering for us.
Some of them scream. The rest are pretty calm. I'm always amazed to see how much fans that our members get.

Twice's 10th Member HaejuWhere stories live. Discover now