Haeju's Little Secret | Part 2

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I managed to change the topic before we focused back on our work. At some points, I think the aircon feels too cold. I'm freezing. So I take the remote and raise the temperature. Without knowing why I feel like my neck is tickling as if someone's touching it, but I just ignore it. After a few seconds, it's gone...
While typing my story, suddenly I heard someone say, "Sana and Tzuyu aren't meant for each other." 'Why does Chaeyoung sound kinda weird?' I ask myself. Her voice is soft and somehow feels like it's echoing. But what she says is more ridiculous than how she's heard.
"Why?!" I challenge her, "Satzu is cute. I like Satzu as a fanfic, they're easily romantic to write!" I say, kinda yelling.
"GOSH!!! Haeju, I'm startled!" Chaeyoung sounds surprised by my sudden raised voice. "Who are you yelling to?"
"Why are you yelling out of nowhere?" Chaeyoung asks me again.
"I... I yelled because you said something," I tell her.
"I didn't say anything!" she says, kinda scared, "Did you hear a voice? Sorry, are you okay?"
"What? Really?!" I make sure.
"You didn't hear anything?!"
"You shouldn't write anything about Sana."
"SHOW YOURSELF!" I shout into the air. Suddenly, the window is opened by itself. It sounds so loud and shocking. We're all so scared. The wind blows into our room and Chaeyoung runs closer to me.
She screams, "Haeju, aaaaa!!! What's thaaaat??!" she comes and hugs me out of fear.
"It's okay, Chaeyoung, calm down. I think it has left."
"What is happening, Haejuuuu???" she screams again.
"Calm down, Dear... I'm sorry that you have to experience this," I sigh. I look at her scared face, "I'm sorry but I have another secret. I can sense ghosts, Chaeyoung. I heard her talk to me. I think it just came out of our room as I yelled at it."
"You mean... You just interacted with a ghost? That's your secret?!"
"More less."
"Does anyone know about this?" she asks.
I pat her back to calm her down. "Yes, there is only one other member who knows about my ability."
"Who is it?" she looks at me, demanding another answer for me, hoping that I don't keep everything as a secret.
"Don't worry, I'm gonna tell you this one. The member who knows about my psychic ability is......."

(to be cont)

Twice's 10th Member HaejuWhere stories live. Discover now