Shoot! | The Feels (Alternative Ending)

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(a/n: At first, this story is supposed to have a really different ending. I'll tell you briefly here)

...It's been another 10 minutes but Sana is nowhere to be seen. As I'm waiting, I look at Tzuyu. I call her and tell her that I'm so sorry about what happened in the restroom.
"You have a crush on Sana, don't you?" I ask her.
"It's not like that," Tzuyu says.
"Forget it, Haeju. It's not a big deal. I just wish you have a good time tonight with her," she says.
"Wait, that's it? Are you in hurry? Is your date already inside?" I ask her.
"I come here alone," she tells me.
"Ehh? No way!"
"Haeju, I don't wanna ruin your night but... Be careful with Sana," she says before leaving the scene.

She's so mysterious.
Without I realized it, I can hear my own heart beating so loud. What is this feeling?

After that, Sana finally arrives. We enjoy the party by dancing in the middle of the crowd.
"Dance, Haeju, c'mon!" she screams.
"I- I'm too shy," I say.
"Don't be like that. This is our night together. We will remember this moment forever," she says.
"I know but... I'm not used to be with a lot of people like this," I say.
"Alright alright," Sana stops dancing, "Hold my hands," she says.
I take both of her hands.
"Look at me," she says.
I look at her face. She's so pretty. She shines under the neon lights. She also looks at me deeply. Deep into my eyes. Straight to the heart. Sana smirks. She bites her lips, makes me chuckles. We both chuckle. I look at her once again. But now she keeps looking at my lips.
She takes a deep breath, "You're so beautiful tonight."
"I- You too, Sana," I say.
"Kiss me!"
"Kiss me," she says again.
She starts leaning towards me. Slowly. I feel so nervous. I realize there are a lot of people here, probably watching us. This is so embarrassing. Her face is so close now. What should I do?
I decided to leave a peck on her lips. Just for one second.
"Sorry, I'm shy," I tell her.
She's shocked. Her eyeballs are popping. I'm scared. But then she laughs.
"Hehehehe! It's okay, Ju. Awhh! You just lack electricity tonight, baby," she's joking.

After that, we decided to more focus on talking than dancing. We try to find the similarities between each other. I like mountains, she likes beaches. I like Jajangmyeon, she likes Jjampong. She likes archery and dancing, I like no sport at all. Things really get awkward.
But then things get more interesting when I start talking about my specialty in fortune-telling. I tell her I love mystics, like astrology and tarot.
Sana also talks a lot about what she likes. She tells me about her family, her childhood, and she really likes collecting perfume. She looks so excited while talking with me. I'm really glad.
"By the way, I think I will see what drinks they got there. I'll get you one too," Sana says.
"Yeah. Thank you," I say.

I look around the hall. I try to find all of my friends. I see Jeongyeon and Momo are happily dancing, so are Jihyo and Nayeon. Mina and Chaeyoung are shyer but I think they're enjoying it. I look at Tzuyu but she's nowhere to be seen. Is she going home?
By the way, what does take Sana so long? I better try to find her.

I look at the table with all the beverages but she isn't there. I walk around the hall but still can't find her. Maybe she's in the restroom?

I get out of the building and walk across the dark hallway. In front of the girl restroom's door, I can hear someone's . I open the door and find out that Sana is kissing Dahyun so passionately.
"SANA!!!" I scream.
"Haeju??? Wait, no no no. This is not what it looks like," Sana says.
Tears fall down from the edge of my eyes. My chest feels stuffed. I can't hold it, "How dare you......." I say.
"She lures me here. Please, I can explain," Sana says.
"There's nothing to explain!" I yell.

I come out of the restroom, running away from the scene.

I try to find an empty class so I can cry alone. I cry so loud because my heart can't take it. I sound so ugly and look so ugly. I don't care about anything anymore. My heart is broken.
Then I feel there's someone approaching me. She stops and stands right in front of me, "Haeju, stop crying," she says.
"I'm not Sana..." she says.
I look at who's the owner of these beautiful legs in front of me. "Tzu- Tzuyu?" I say.
"May I sit here?" she asks.
"Yes," I tell her.
Tzuyu sits next to me.
"Let me guess. Sana?" she asks me. I nod.
I want to stop crying but I still can't hold it. So I cry again out loud while hugging Tzuyu. She's hugging me back.
"There... There... It's okay," she says.

After she says that, I start ranting about what I feel towards Sana and how she breaks my heart. I tell her while crying and Tzuyu is just listening.
"I can't trust anyone anymore, Tzuyu. Ottokke?" I say.
"It's okay, I'm here, Unnie," she says. Somehow it sounds so familiar.
"Ah yes, I'm kinda younger than everyone in our class," she says.
"You can say I'm the maknae."
"Haha... You're so funny, Tzuyu."
She looks at me, "It's good to see you laugh, Unnie."
"Yeah, I feel kinda better. Thanks to you. I was frozen when I see Sana was with Dahyun. Just like when you saw me with her. I cried, Tzuyu. I guess I understand what you feel now," I say.
"Yeah, about that... Actually, that day I was looking for you. I was going to ask you to go to the prom with you. I had been meaning to ask you for a long time but I didn't have the courage. But well, when I finally found you, you were with Sana unnie," Tzuyu tells me.
"You were going to ask me to go to the prom night?" I ask.
"I should've asked you earlier," she says.
"Oh my God... All this time I'm so nervous to talk to you because you're the most beautiful girl in our class. I also wanted to ask you to be my prom date but I thought it was kinda impossible for someone as beautiful as you didn't have a date already. I have a crush on you, Tzuyu, even before they announce the prom night event. That was why I was always so nervous to talk to you," I tell her.
"You've been sitting next to me all this time. Yet it takes me a massive heartbreak to realize that you're the one for me," I say.
"I feel the same," Tzuyu says.

I wipe out my tears. I kneel before her, "Well, Chou Tzuyu, since the prom is still going on," I take both of her hands, "Will you be my prom date?" I say.
"Unnie, please stand up. Don't do this," she says.
"I'm sorry," I say while standing up.
She stands up too, "Yes," she says.
"Yes, I want you to be your prom date."
We look at each other and smile.
I take her hand, "Well, let's go back to the hall before the party is over, shall we?"

We walk back to the hall by holding hands. Finally, I get not just a date, but also a true love.
This is the best prom night ever!

"By the way Tzuyu, earlier you warned me about Sana. How do you know about her so well?" I ask her.
"Oh, she's my ex," Tzuyu asks shortly
"WAIT, WHAT???!!"

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