My First Mafia Game - Part 2

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Everyone is shocked.

Blood is pooled around Momo's stiff body. I'm holding Tzuyu's arm while she also looks scared. This is all real! I look the others' faces one by one in the dark. What's happening here? How can this happen??

"What are we going to do now??" Someone asks.

"Okay everybody calm down we--"

"How can you expect us to calm down?! Momo has just killed!"

"I've tried it for several times now, guys. No signal on my phone."

"Oh my God. Should we just run away?"

"But it's so dark there I'm afraid!"

"Do you really want to leave Momo's body here alone?"

"I don't want to leave my spot! The killer might be still out there watching us."

"What killer?!"

"Oh no we are screwed. I think this is the end of Twice....."

"EVERYBODY CALM DOWN!!!!!" Jeongyeon makes everyone silent. "Everybody please calm down, okay? Worrying can't help us right now. This is serious, guys. We need to stay together. For now, please check if everybody is here!" Jeongyeon orders us. Then we look to each other while Jeongyeon is counting us. "1... 2... 3............ 8. Wait, eight? Someone is missing!"

"Yeah, you don't count Momo silly," Sana says.

"No. The member of Twice is supposed to be 10 now because Haeju is here," Tzuyu corrects her.

"So who is missing?"

"Oh no.....

...We lose our leader, Jihyo."


Right now me and Tzuyu are looking for Jihyo back at the place where we played the mafia game. It's so dark here because the candles are our only source of light. Jeongyeon splits us into a team of two. She and Sana use Jeongyeon's phone as a flashlight. They look for Jihyo near the dorm's front door. Minayeon and Dubchaeng are bringing Tzuyu's phone in the place near the rooms. I hope they can find their phones there hmm.....

"Jihyoooo! Jihyo, where are you?" I shout her name while looking. She probably can't hear my voice because the storm is so loud outside.

"Unnie!" Tzuyu calls me.

"What is it, Tzuyu?"

"Why are Nayeon unnie and the others so quiet? I still can hear Sana unnie's voice vaguely, but not them."

"Really?" I ask her back as I'm trying to hear their voices. Tzuyu is right. "Should we go back?"

"Maybe.... Jihyo unnie is not here anyway."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Hey, do you find them?" Jeongyeon's voice surprises us. I turn my head and see her and Sana are approaching us.

"No, we don't."

"So do we."

"This is bad, Haeju. The front door and all the windows are locked!" Sana tells us.

"Oh no... That means we can't go out."

"But it can also mean that the killer is still inside the house, right?"


"Guys, we should defeat the killer. If I am right, the killer can't be more than 2 people. Probably just one. It's because so far only Momo and, maybe, Jihyo, are the one who are killed. If there are more of them they should have killed us all now. They don't even move Momo's body. They must be out of number," Jeongyeon explains us her plan. "Together we can beat them!"

Twice's 10th Member HaejuWhere stories live. Discover now