Haeju's Little Secret | Part 4

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We arrive!
It's so fun that three of us are having a good time together. We laugh at each other jokes and discuss many things. We feel tired as soon as we get a villa to stay, so we just have a cup of tea in front of a beautiful view of the mountain on the balcony of our villa until thesky gets dark.
After taking a very satisfying shower, I don't come back to them right away. I want Sana and Kkochi to have their time without me. They must be missing each other after not meeting for a long time. Without they know it, I hide and watch them from the afar. I see both of their backs, Sana is resting her head on Kkochi's shoulder. Looks so sweet.
"Sana, I'm happy," Kkochi tells her a really basic emotion that a person can feel. She sounds innocent, probably because she hangs out with Sana for too long. "It's so beautiful up here," she says again.
"Yas!!! It's indeed beautiful. I'm glad that I bring you two here. It's really a good place," Sana answers.
"I guess you know good places more than I do now," Kkochi says.
"Hehe, I am! I learn from the master."
"You're a good pupil," Kkochi is tapping Sana's head.
Sana then gets up and, still sitting, make a bow to Kkochi. "Kamsahamnida! Seonsaengnim!" she acts like an actor from a historical movie. After that, both of them laugh together again. Somehow, look at them happy like that makes me happy.

Sana comes back to her chair and looks at the back. I hide my head behind the couch immediately, not letting her to know that I'm stalking them. "Where's Haeju?" I hear Sana asks.
"Doesn't she usually take a shower this long?"
"She... She does she does! But I'm worried..."
"Should we check her?" Kkochi suggests. Oh my God, I hope they aren't gonna do that. Should I come back to the bathroom right now???
"Nah, maybe she's just enjoying it. I don't wanna rush her," Sana finally says. I feel relieved. Phew!
"Yeah, let Haeju enjoys her holidaY. By the way, she's a really nice girl. I can feel it," Kkochi confesses.
"She's more friendly if you have been closed with her, you know! Please give her a chance," Sana says.
"Sure, I'll do. She makes me feel comfortable around her."
"Oh yeah? Haeju is like that. I feel the same."
My heart is beating to listen to them. Until this time, I'm still amazed when I find someone who wants to be my friend. Sometimes I feel like I supposed to fight alone in this world, but people keep proving that I'm wrong. I'm so touched because of listening to them but I need to hold it because I shouldn't make any voice. I'm hiding!

After the situation is safe, I peek at them again. Sana is still laying her head on Kkochi. "Mm, I need you to tell you something," Kkochi says in the middle of the silence.
"Yes~?" Sana answers her in a bubbly way.
"Ehm, as I've told you... I'm happy right now. I, I feel grateful to be with you here. It's been a long time and you're still opened to me. My life has been hard and lonely, Sana. People are hating each other out there and I'm not the best person if it's about showing people that I care about them. Because of that, I make an intentional gap between me and them. I feel left out. Loneliness is hard. Guilty is hurting. That's why having you here means a lot for me," she says, "Ugh, I'm really sorry, Sana, if I'm saying stupid things."
"Aww~ Don't be! You're welcome, Love." I see Sana hugs Kkochi.
"I'm sorry, Sana... I'm sorry, Sana," Kkochi says while hugging Sana. I can hear the trembling in her voice. I think she means it deeply. Something falls from the edge from my eyes.
Sana releases the hug and looks at Kkochi's eyes deeply. She smiles widely, cheerfully. "Kkochi?"
"May I kiss you?" Sana asks straight-forwardly. She tilts her head unconsciously as she's waiting for the answer. From that, you know that she's being ambitious.
"Sure," Kkochi answers shortly.
Both of them close their eyes and then lean forward. Gently, one puts her lips on the others. Kkochi's hands are holding Sana's shoulders, giving all of her trust to her partner. And Sana puts her hands on Kkochi's waist, building up the vibe but making it comfortable at the same time. I see they open their eyes for a while, but then continue the kiss even deeper. I hide behind the couch, letting them enjoy their moment. It gets darker outside. Uww, it's supposed to be cold on the mountain. Not hot like this!!?

I don't know why, but a person comes into my mind. I decided to text her, not because of the situation but I think I just miss her. I take my phone and, oh look! Who's on my phone's wallpaper? 

My love, Chaeyoung!

(to be cont)

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