That Night with Jihyo - Part 2 END

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[WARNING: This story contains mature content]

She holds my arm before saying, "I thought you would be so pretty to see close up...
..And I just proved that it was right."
I look at her eyes as she looks back. I started remembering the sensation of her dry lips just now, along with the heartbeat and all the skinship I just realized I have with her. I feel like... I want more! She reads that as she kisses my lips again. Longer this time. She combs my hair with her hand gently without looking. I touch her uncovered thigh, as I don't know what to touch. But I guess it makes her feels something because she starts stroking my nape.
"Close your eyes, dear," She asks before she quickly kisses me back. She starts sucking my lips, which eventually makes me opens my mouth and let her do whatever she is trying to do. My tongue awkwardly touches her, but then she cheeks to relax me. She starts playing with my tongue and I start to enjoy it. After few seconds our kiss becomes more intense and intense as I feel more passionate.

Suddenly, she pulls herself away from me as I start to get the feeling. She starts licking my neck inch by inch. I can feel her head that I hug with my right hand. I don't know but I like it. Her hand reaches my back and explores my body to the front to feel my abs. Then she gets to my upper sensitive area. She then shakes them a little bit, which makes me accidentally start moaning.
Jihyo stops and looks at me in the eyes. "Let me turn off the light." I can't believe she says it calmly, not like me that already losing my mind. All I know is she stands up and then everything turns dark. Dark and quiet.
"Ju, what is your favorite animal?" She asks me all of sudden.
"Umm... Puppy?"
"Say it again!"
Jihyo grabs my shoulder.
"Got you! Oh yeah, I love puppy too," she says as she starts my shirt taking off my shirt aggressively, and I guess, hers too. Because when she kisses me again, I can already feel her breasts uncovered as the crush against mine. 
I'm a little bit shocked so I push her back unconsciously. But that only makes me end up falling on top of her body.
As we stare at each other in the dimmed light, Jihyo's hands slowly guide their way towards mine. She softly moves my hands towards something and gestures forward for me to squeeze them. Her breasts? I assume that they're her breasts and I continue to squeeze them, which makes her start moaning quietly. I decide to do start doing it several times because it's surprisingly satisfying, and her moans are really getting me into it.
I'm not sure why I feel this energetic tonight. I guess it's the effect of the caffeine. Or maybe it was not a usual coffee because it smelled different... I'm not sure since I'm not a coffee drinker. Ahh, what am I thinking.......

Jihyo then pulls off our pants and makes me take off her panties without seeing. She hugs me a little bit longer, with our breasts colliding, to release the intensity before she changes her position.
Now I'm completely laying on my back on the bed. Jihyo sits around my thighs, stroking them gently. I can feel her lips start kissing them, making me want to hug her so bad. But all I can do is grab her head. Slowly but surely, she arrives at the center of my body. I can feel that she smells it at first.
"This is so much better than what I expect," she says. Jihyo starts to give a peck to my vagina. I feel tingling when she licks my clit. I push her head deeper unconsciously and she starts doing something with it.
"Jihyo-ya! Arghh...!" She gives me the best feeling I've never felt before. It becomes more satisfying when it reaches the peek and I feel like I produce something down there. It's like I give out all the lust inside me.

I exhale so deeply....

She then gives me time to relax a little bit, while her head is just laying on my breast. One of my nipples gets licked and the other one is played by her finger.
"I envy your nips, baby. The shape is really pretty," she says. That only makes me reach hers and play with it too.
After a while Jihyo says,"Are you ready for the next round?"
"Anytime...." I whisper.
Then she moves until her face is right above mine. "How is it so far? You can enjoy it?"
"That face.... How can you be so pretty, Haeju? Are you an angel?"
"Ohh... You're so beautiful too," I reply. Then I try to raise my head to kiss her. I nail it, but it's so fast because I fall down again to my pillow. Playing with me, she lets me do that for several times. Jihyo then finally lower her head slowly to smooch me. But her hips don't touch me, yet she takes my hand to touch her cunt. I stroke it and she moans. Now I don't know what to do with that. I wanna please her without hurting her. She then grabs one of my hands and guides it to her ass. I come back to her vagina and I feel her hand is already there, ready to doing something. She puts my hand back to her butt and starts playing with my lips again. Sometimes she sucks it, sometimes she bites it softly.

I give her a massage on her butt. And sometimes goes up to feel her body. I don't know that Jihyo's back is so smooth.
"Ahh... How old are you, Ju?"
"Same as Nayeon... Mmh you?"
She takes her time to answer. "I amm.... 

...21 plus!"

Now Jihyo is trying to reach orgasm and I try to support it any way I can..... After a while, Jihyo moans so loud. It sounds so beautiful to me. Then she falls onto my body. It was so shocking because she is kinda heavy, but I don't wanna make her guilty so I quickly hug her. I comb her smooth hair and try to realize how beautiful tonight is....
Jihyo then gives me a kiss on my lips, cheeks and then forehead.
"Enough of the lesson for today...." She is panting. I immediately cuddle her as she leans beside me. I kiss her body. Jihyo pulls the blanket to cover us up.

It was quiet for a moment.

"Sana is right." She speaks to break the silence. "You are so cute up close, Haeju. Hihihi... Now it's time to sleep. That was awesome!"
"Mm.... Thank you," I say shyly, "Good night, Jihyo, love you...."
She chuckles like a little girl. Jihyo then kisses my forehead once again and cuddles me gently. "Good night, Ju!"

I'm not sure what Jihyo actually feels, but I really enjoy this night. Somehow I feel relieved... I don't know how will this leads me in the future, but I hope I can experience it again one day............

But is this really okay?

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