How long before I'm alone

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

It's been three days since Izuku was shot and two days since Izuku had woken up. Currently, he was inside the warehouse with Shoto and Katsuki, catching up on what he's missed and what Shoto has been doing ever since the outbreak.

The dual-haired male didn't say much, just that he's been in the warehouse for a little over two months and has been rationing his supplies. He also had mentioned that he hadn't gone to the city and that the last time he tried it was filled with rotters so there was no point unless you wish to die.

The comment of the city being filled with hordes had Izuku feeling hopeless about the sanctuary. It didn't help when Shoto had also said that the sanctuary was no longer standing and that some criminals destroyed it.

Outside, F/n laid in the army truck that Shoto had showed her. While Izuku was asleep, she tried to fix the truck in hopes that she could leave far, far away. But she later gave up when she didn't have supplies to turn it on.

So now she laid in the truck and watched as clouds passed by and the wind felt good against her cheek. Her ears listened as the trees swayed and crashed into other leaves.

She let out a small sigh as her hands gripped onto a combat knife that Katsuki had given her—well more like shoved it in her hands.

Hearing footsteps, she sat up and quizzically stared at Izuku as he waved at her with a smile. She then hurriedly reached to him as he groaned trying to get on the truck, his shoulder hurting from the pressure.

"You shouldn't put any pressure on it. It's still not healed." F/n scolded him as she pulled Izuku onto the truck.

The green-haired chuckled and muttered an apology, he then sat down next to her, "You're still trying to fix the car?"

"No, it needs some stuff." F/n let out a sigh, "I was thinking about going into the city tomorrow to get some, y'know."

Izuku shook his head, "You can't go by yourself, it's dangerous. Me, Shoto, and Kacchan plan on going to get more supplies when my wounds heal, so wait unt–"

"No." F/n said, "It's no bother. Besides, why bother you guys with something that you're not going to use."

"What do you mean?" Izuku watched as F/n glanced away.

"There's really no meaning for me to stay with you when you already found your friends." She glanced at the clouds passing, "You're not alone anymore, Izuku. You don't need me. I was planning on leaving when you found your friends anyways."

Eyes widening, Izuku felt a bit hurt as she continued. "I plan on taking the truck and follow the road. I'm not exactly sure where, but if it's away from here, then so be it. I just don't want to get attached and watch the people I care about die. I don't want to repeat those step–"

Izuku scoffed as his eyes narrowed, "How can you say that!? After everything we've been through you can't just decide to leave! When I found you and asked you on that day if you wanted to come with me I meant forever! Not until I found my friends and left you on your own."

He shook his head, "You're dumb, F/n. For you to think that I don't care about you hurts me. You're my friend, not just some extra baggage to carry."

She watched as Izuku sighed and held her hand, "If you're leaving, then we're all leaving. We're not getting separated again."

Her eyes widened at Izuku's outburst. She didn't mean to hurt his feelings, she was just speaking the truth. Rather tell the harsh truth than a lie, right?

She stared at him for a couple minutes before letting a soft sigh and lowering her head. She then peered at him with a smile, "Guess, I'm stuck with you, aren't I?"

"Yep, so if you think about ditching us I'll come hunt your ass down and dangle you over a fucking rooftop." Katsuki said as he climbed onto the truck and Shoto leaned next to it.

Izuku let out a chuckle and sweatdropped, "Kacchan, don't be so mean."

Katsuki grunted as he sat down next to them, his eyes peering at their interlocked hands before glancing and pointing to Shoto, "Me and Icy hot were thinking about going near the city to check if there's any safe place to enter from."

The green-haired male released F/n's hand and worryingly stared at them, "Just the two of you? Isn't that a bit dangerous."

Shoto shrugged, "We're not going inside, just checking the outside. Shouldn't be too much of a hassle."

"Great." F/n said, "I should go to, incase–"

"No," Katsuki said, "you sit your ass down and stay here in case Deku's wound opens up and blood starts pouring everywhere. Besides, you're the only one who knows how to clean it and we can't let that shit get infected."

"Alright then." Shoto said, "We should start heading soon before night comes."

The three in the truck get out, with F/n and Katsuki helping Izuku and not letting him add pressure onto his wound. They head back into the warehouse and F/n fumbles to catch the gauzes Katsuki had thrown at her.

"Deku needs clean ones, I can see his blood staining his shirt." The blonde said as he pointed to Izuku.

The green-haired male looked down to his wound, his white shirt beginning to get stained with blood. He followed F/n to a table and sat down taking his shirt off. He waved his friends a goodbye and to return safely.

He smiled as Katsuki cursed him out and Shoto nodded. With them out of his vision he focused on the girl in front as she poured rubbing alcohol on a gauge, "Ready?"

Izuku nodded as he took off his bloody gauge, "Yeah."

He tightly closed his eyes and winced when the alcohol touched his wound. He then felt a hand holding his. "You can grip my hand if it makes it feel better."

"Thanks." Izuku said and used her hand, feeling a bit bad when her hand jolted.

The cleaning felt forever and he felt relieved when the last tape held the gauge to his shoulder. He looked at the clean bandage, his hand releasing her hand, "Thanks."

"No problem." F/n said with a smile, "Wouldn't want you with a fever."

Izuku smiled as he watched her leave to throw the bloody gauges away. His heart skipped a beat from the action of cleaning his wound and her smile. Bits of blush dusted his cheeks when he remembered how soft and warmed her hands felt in his. He wished to hold her hand again.

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