Desperate Plea to Stay

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Mother dear, don't go away,
How long till your return, I pray?
Last time, you left when I was new,
It took five years for you to pursue.

My siblings, consumed by toil,
Leave me alone in this turmoil.
Who'll be there to nurture and feed,
For a little child like me in need?

I turned five, just a tender age,
Father departed this mortal stage.
Never knew him, he was gone before,
But you, mother, remain, I implore.

I need your presence, I need your touch,
Why leave again, oh mother, as such?
Am I the reason you yearn to depart?
Please, don't abandon me, stay in my heart.

My siblings mock me, a crocodile they say,
Can't I have a sweeter name, I pray?
Bring me some joy, make me beam,
For solitude inflicts a relentless scream.

I voice my grievances, they retort with disdain,
'Look in the mirror, crocodile, you remain.'
Indeed, my lips are cracked, skin scaled and worn thin,
Your absence denies the care I've been in.

I shiver in cold, your love not bestowed,
But you came this morning, to lighten my load.
Then why, Mother dear, must you leave again?
Am I the problem, causing this pain?

For once, I yearn to hold you tight,
To feel the love a child needs, day and night.
Mother, why the sternness etched on your face?
Why exude negativity, casting a sombre trace?

Look at me with kindness, with love in your eyes,
Don't I deserve affection, like clear blue skies?
My hair, a hue of orange and yellow intertwined,
Why does it differ, mother, in colours assigned?

My emaciated body, frail and thin,
Who should I blame, if not you, akin?
Leftovers from my sister's baby I consume,
Days without food, in hunger I presume.

Why did you leave, Mother dear and true?
Don't you love me, as I yearn for you?
I long for nourishment, clothing, and care,
Stay by my side, Mother, show you're aware.

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