Heartbreak's Fortress

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In shadows cast by love's deceit,
My heart was crushed, my soul left weak.
Betrayed by one I called my friend,
The pain so fierce, I cannot pretend.

With shattered trust and wounded trust,
I built these walls to shield my heart's lust.
For love, once sweet, turned bitter and cruel,
Leaving scars that still remain, uncool.

I'm not cold, nor am I heartless,
But I fear the pain that love addresses.
The agony I endured, so intense,
Leaves me wary, on my heart's defence.

So please understand this distance I keep,
To guard my heart, to let it heal deep.
For I yearn not for love's fiery embrace,
But to protect myself from its painful chase.

Though love may find its way once more,
I choose to stay behind this closed door.
To shield myself from heartbreak's sting,
And let my wounded spirit find its wings.

I'm not cold, nor am I heartless,
Just a wounded soul seeking solace.
For the pain I've known, I can't repeat,
So I choose this path, my heart's retreat.

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