Echoes of the Womb: A Cry Unheard

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Mother, do you care for me, so small and weak?
In this womb, I yearn for comfort, peace I seek.
What's happening outside, I wonder in distress,
Your heartbeat tells a tale of sorrow and duress.

Once, I felt your presence throughout the day,
Rocked to sleep, as you went about your way.
Oh, how I miss those gentle, soothing motions,
Where has the rocking gone, causing my emotions?

Now twenty-two weeks, growing within your womb,
Yearning for your touch, but it feels like a tomb.
No more belly rubbing, no caress from your hand,
Is it because of the war, I don't understand?

The blows you receive, the violence in the air,
I feel it all, Mother, it's more than I can bear.
Quarrels, anger, and sounds of bitter strife,
Alone, your voice echoes with sadness in life.

Mother, please, run and take flight from this place,
Protect us both from your assaulter's disgrace.
I can feel your pain, the sadness in your cry,
Wipe away your sorrow, let love multiply.

Anger rises again, in the argument's heat,
Are those punches on your tummy, my tiny retreat?
I sense the pain, the kicks that land so near,
Run, dear Mother, save us, let's disappear.

Why the alcohol, Mother, why do you partake?
Do you wish to harm me, cause my life to break?
My weight drops, my future in danger, it seems,
Please, Mother, be aware of fetal alcohol's extremes.

You grow distant, your love drifting away,
Even in this womb, I feel your disarray.
Detach no more, dear Mother, let love reign,
Find refuge, leave the pain, end this dreadful chain.

Oh, how miserable it has become in here,
Lonely and longing, your presence I hold dear.
Where are you, Mother, my source of light and grace?
Embrace me again, and together, let's find our place.

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