Beyond Discord

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When diplomacy fails, violence looms near,
But let us reflect, let us be clear.
It is not our duty to resort to aggression,
But a cry of desperation, a last expression.

We are no longer facing just opposition,
Nor former leaders, nor mere politicians.
We, the people, stand united and strong,
Speaking up for ourselves, righting the wrong.

When peaceful negotiations are met with disdain,
When our envoys' voices are in vain,
Do not fault us for the path we tread,
For seeking justice, a future we've misread.

Our cries resonate for a better life,
For a country free from corruption and strife.
A beautiful dream of the nation we yearn to reclaim,
Where dignity and progress are no longer a mere claim.

Yes, your goons and police may confront us,
But we have found our voice, our courage, no fuss.
United we stand, with sorrowful cries,
Demanding change, until heard by your eyes.

So, shush now, and listen to our plea,
If leading our country becomes too heavy to see.
Step down, let new leaders rise,
Who will serve with integrity, to our surprise.

We cannot bear the weight of your poor governance,
Your disregard for our dreams, our sustenance.
Let us elect someone worthy and true,
A leader who will fulfil their duty, through and through.

For diplomacy is our preferred path to choose,
But when unheard, violence may ensue.
Let us change this narrative, break the cycle at last,
A peaceful nation, together, we can amass.

In this battle for a better tomorrow we fight,
With unity and resilience, shedding no light.
Diplomacy over violence, our guiding creed,
To forge a nation where justice shall succeed.

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