The Fickle Heart

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In chambers deep, my traitorous heart, reside,
Why, oh why, in love's web do you confide?
I've pleaded with reason, tried to steer the way,
Yet you choose the wrong, leading us astray.

Oh, fickle heart of mine, with desires so wild,
You set my world ablaze, like an unruly child.
But in your treacherous acts, our story unfurls,
A tale of love's trials, where truth often swirls.

You've lured me in with promises, sweet and discreet,
Led me down paths, where the wrong one we'd meet.
In the embrace of the unsuitable, I'm ensnared,
In a dance of desire, by your whims, I'm dared.

You skip with joy as I follow your lead,
Through valleys of heartache and fields of need.
In this labyrinth of love, where you take the helm,
My trust in you, dear heart, is overwhelmed.

Forgive me, heart, for doubting your grace,
For in your yearning, I still find my place.
Though you betray and lead us astray,
You also hold the key to a brighter day.

But as our story nears its bittersweet end,
In your treacherous game, my spirit must bend.
For I've loved and lost, in your relentless play,
And now, dear heart, I must sadly walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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