Alter My Fate

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Reverse the passage of time,
Undo existence, erase my prime,
For life brings naught but misery,
A suffocating, endless plea.

This prison, bound by stringent laws,
An endless cycle that forever gnaws,
I yearn for rebirth, as a bird so high,
Escaping this futile ground, I sigh.

Though I've strived to be good and kind,
Life's cruelty leaves me far behind,
Tormented by merciless beings around,
They strike me down, my soul unbound.

Reverse the clock to before my birth,
Grant me the choice, to live or unearth,
Or shape a world of tolerance and peace,
Before you conceive, let suffering cease.

Rewind time to the moment I came,
Not pure, but tainted with evil's flame,
Shield me from all the pain and strife,
Help me grow beyond this wretched life.

Rewrite my past, my childhood's plight,
Make it better, bathe it in gentle light,
So I may endure the present's wrath,
And find solace in tomorrow's path.

Reverse the clock, alter my fate,
But even then, hope feels desolate,
For the world is cruel, unyielding, bleak,
No joy to find, no solace to seek.

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