Ink Of Life: Never-ending Tale

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Every day, I wake and ponder,
Will today be like the last?
But wondering is not the problem,
It's what I do to make it vast.

I am the author of my own life,
With decisions as my quill,
I hold the power to shape my days,
And change the course at will.

I give my life a title, a purpose,
A theme that drives me on,
Do I seek success, happiness, or usefulness?
The choice is mine, and mine alone.

I assess myself, become self-aware,
Discover what truly brings me joy,
I define success and failure,
And what I hold as valuable, not coy.

My life unfolds like an artistic creation,
Living up to my own expectations,
Finding purpose and meaning,
For that's where true fulfilment lies, no exceptions.

Others may try to define me,
But I won't let them hold the pen,
Their words may be positive or negative,
But I'll use them to my advantage, then.

I work every day to live a better life,
Taking charge of each new day,
No reliance on luck or blaming fate,
With a plan, I pave my way.

Success is not an endpoint,
But a journey that never ends,
I strive to make each day extraordinary,
Adding joy and usefulness that transcends.

So, I keep writing, never ceasing,
In the story that is my life,
For writing is living, and living is writing,
A never-ending tale, free from strife.

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