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—-—------------------Hello All!------------------—-This is my first fanfic I've written, so please, all the comments and constructive criticism will definitely help out!
Please be nice😩 —--------------------------------------------------------

I've been sitting on the idea for this fic for a good long while honestly.

This will be a Dabi x Fem Reader. I'm going to do my best to keep the description of y/n's body such as height, weight, etc pretty vague but female anatomy will be used.
Again, this fic will contain smut and mature aspects such as blood, violence, sexual acts, anxiety, killing, profanity, disassociation, death, drinking, smoking, etc. (for anything heavily triggering I will be putting warnings at the beginning of said chapters)
There will also be no pregnancy scares, pregnancy in general or anything of the sort (because fuck them kids bro)

In this fic not only will Dabi follow his attitude and actions that are canon, I will also be throwing in not only head canons, but fan canons as well!

The story will start after the USJ incident. The plot and story for this fic will follow the plot for the original MHA, the only thing that really changes is y/n's presence. (Aaaand maybe the ending because I'm not letting characters that I love die hehe) That and in between all the plot, I will be adding adventures for the LOV group. I will also try my best to not rewrite the entire plot of mha from the lov pov, because honestly, who wants to reread that stuff over and over again when you've already watched it?

And by adventures, I mean fun adventures lol. Middle of the night, during the day, movie trips, park trips, festivals, etc. A lot of the characters from LOV will probably seem out of character during these adventures but personally, they're all young adults still and sometimes need to be reminded that it's okay for them to have fun too. (And because of these adventures, I might also make the LOV characters slightly out of character throughout the rest of the story solely based around these adventures bringing them closer to each other).

Y/n does have a vehicle that she loves, and becomes one of the main transportations for the LOV for these adventures and some side missions that don't involve using Kurogiri (vehicle description will be loose other than it being a big enough vehicle to fit the whole crew tbh)

Anyway! I hope you guys enjoy the story and let me know what you guys think as the story progresses! I appreciate you reading it and again, please be nice with the criticism as this is my first attempt at writing fanfic!

~Love, Skully<3  

A little about the main character:

Y/n L/n.. Age- 23

Quirk name: Overgrowth
Y/N Nickname/Alias: Dryad

Quirk explanation:
-Can create trees by placing buds with roots on any kind of ground except steel and some concrete
-Can create small and thin vines out of body but range and amount is limited with body exhaustion
-Can grow certain tree barks around body as a type of armor
-Can plant flowers as well and can even grow flowers that produce smells
-Cannot be affected by own produced scented flowers

Quirk limits:
-Can't control every day trees unless personally grown by body buds
-Buds cannot pierce through most concrete and steels
-Fire obviously does damage but can be protected with armor by certain trees
-When hitting exhaustion limit, small & thin vines start crawling up your neck and down legs and starts from center of your back
-When vines get detached without y/n detaching first it causes a rose to grow over affected area until healed (healing times differs to amount/how big vines were when destroyed) 

There is more to y/n's quirk but you can't learn everything immediately can you? Hehe 

Love you guys<3

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