Chapter 8- An Overgrown Heart

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A/N: Hello my loves! Y'all know I had to throw in a little angst, but I promise, y/n doesn't back down from a fight lol. The start of this chapter continues off of last, then we'll roll into some canon storyline, so I apologize if the transition is bumpy.
As always, thank you for reading<3
You pulled up in front of an empty lot, making sure to park a little ways from his actual place, taking your usual precaution. Dabi got out of the car, almost slamming the door in the process, and normally you would've snapped, but considering the state you were in, you were too exhausted to care. Coming over to his place has almost become a habit at this point, why though, you weren't sure. You got out of the car, locking it as you walked to catch up to Dabi, his anger not making him care about waiting for you.

By the time you caught up to his front door, he almost slammed it in your face, and that, well that made you snap. You sucked your teeth, taking a deep breath through your nose, opening the door quickly and slamming it. You were met with furious blue eyes as you came further into the apartment, your e/c ones matching him in anger.

"The fuck are you slamming doors for?" he bit at you, stepping closer to you.

"The fuck are you slamming them in my face for? Let alone slamming my fucking car door," you snapped back, shoving your pointed finger into his chest as you glared back. He slapped your hand away before turning around to storm off to his room. You huffed, sitting down onto the couch and slipping off your boots. You carefully started taking off your hoodie, or rather, Dabi's hoodie, your shoulder sending out aggressive waves of pain. Your eyes started tearing up, both out of frustration and pain, as you took the hoodie off and threw it somewhere into the darkness of the apartment.

Heavy footsteps came from behind you, a few items got dropped onto the couch as the footsteps retreated, hearing him close the bedroom door. And as the click of the door sounded through the apartment, something in you snapped. You curled in on yourself, wrapping your arms around you, you quietly let the tears roll down your cheeks. You didn't know why you were crying, but you couldn't stop it at the same time. Maybe it was the exhaustion finally catching up to you, lack of sleep being your best friend the past few weeks. You ran your hands through your hair, gripping it at the roots as you let out a scream, a scream filled with frustration and other emotions you couldn't quite read. Sudden heavy footsteps came out of the room and came running towards you, but you didn't bother looking up, knowing you probably startled Dabi enough with your scream to cause him to come out.

"Y/N, what the actual fuck? You trying to imprint yourself into my apartment or something?" He asked in a furious tone, barely softer than the tone he had a few minutes ago. Confused, you looked up at him but your head felt like lead, feeling the tingling sensation of the small vines in your mouth crawl just a little further to your throat. You unwrapped your arms from around yourself and looked around, seeing that you were surrounded by tree roots that were sprouting from your legs, arms and back.

You groaned, dropping your head into your hands and rubbing your face clean of tears and snot. You cleared your throat as you slowly started retracting the vines, thankful that pulling them back doesn't overdue your quirk.

"Sorry, that only happens when I'm frustrated," you said, voice trailing off as exhaustion lulled your head to lay back against the couch. You heard him sigh as you shut your eyes, hearing the creak of the coffee table in front of you as he sat down on it. "If you're just going to yell at me some more, I don't want to hear it," you huffed, peeking one eye open to look at him. You saw him sitting there, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, eyes showing he was annoyed but something else was mixing into them. "If you're going to continue sitting there, I would like a normal conversation with you Touya, no more yelling," you continued, turning your body to grab the ointment and wraps that he set on the couch.

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