Chapter 15- Stepping into a trap

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A/N: This is rolling off last chap, we're now going into the LOV vs TMLA arc, which I had to make some slight adaptations enable to include y/n correctly. I'm sorry if it seems rushed, I was trying to get right to the action without skipping some of the important details. I'm also going to * a section before the arc starts, where Touya puts black dye in y/n's hair, but if you're self insert already has black hair, you can either imagine it as a diff color or just ignore it, I just personally thought it would be cute lol. 

~Here is your trigger warning for this chapter as it includes heavy violence, blood and and graphic details towards the violence~

As always thank you for reading<3


"You're not trying hard enough!" You yelled out, putting your hands onto your hips while shaking your head. Little Tomura was currently bent over with his hands on his knees, panting and trying to catch his breath. You were both in a field that All For One would let you guys train in, somewhere he knew you both would be isolated from prying eyes.

"How do you know if I am or not?" Tomura yelled back, snapping his head up to glare at you with his little red eyes. You sighed, bringing one of your hands up to start growing more tree seeds.

"Because you're still standing!" You declared, throwing one of the seeds towards him, landing it into the ground and immediately growing it into a tree. You were attempting to train him with his decay, trying to have him destroy your trees as they were growing before you were able to plant too many and surround him or trap him with them. It was good practice for you both, a way for you to learn how to adapt your quirk without overuse, and a way for him to build his stamina against fast pace fights.

You threw two more tree buds, rapidly growing them to attempt to use the roots to entrap him in place. You watched as he took a few quick deep breaths before moving around the tree roots, slapping his hands around the bases of the trees to decay them before you could ensnare him. He was moving just barely faster than you were able to grow your trees, your exhaustion slowly catching up to you as he danced around your rapidly growing trees.

Just as you threw out your last two trees, growing them quickly as he dodged the snaking roots, you grew some vines out of your back, wrapping them around your right arm as you waited for the right moment. Just as Tomura pushed off a decaying tree, you swung your arm, extending the vine out towards him. You caught him off guard as you wrapped the vines around his feet, a yelp escaping him as you pulled him towards you quickly.

As he slammed into the ground, a little rougher than you intended, you retracted your vines quickly and walked up to him. As he was coughing the air out of his lungs quicker than he could take it in, you stopped in front of him and extended your hand out, offering to help him up. An offer he quickly refused by slapping your hand away as he got up, dusting off his pants with his back to you.

"Tomura I'm sorry, I'm just-" you started, walking up to him.

"I'm going to be better than you, just you wait!" He interrupted you with his declaration, stomping away from you in a huff as you shook your head.

"I know you will" you whispered to yourself as a small smile crept up onto your face.


"You're not doing it right, no wonder that shit doesn't last as long as it's supposed to," you teased Touya, watching as he was fighting with his own hair while trying to dye it. He side eyed you with an angry pout on his face, slamming the bottle of dye down onto the counter.

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