Chap 30- Watch Ya Mouth

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A/N: ...was it my intention to make the whole chap spice? No. Was it worth it? Very much yes.
This chap and the next few chaps are gonna have so many diff versions of Touya, I'm excited. Soft? Duh. Possessive? Duh. Crazy? Absolutely. Buckle up babes❤️

You sat hunched over your desk, the sunlight peeking through your windows as paperwork was laid out in various piles in front of you. Your scribbles were everywhere, writing out different plans of attack and who would best suit against who and where. Your brain was turning into a pile of mush as you blinked a few times to rewet your eyes. You heard rustling come from the bed, Touya's head of black hair popping up from under the blankets.

"Don't worry, I'm still here," you said from your place at your desk, your eyes falling back to the words in front of you. Touya peeked at you over the covers, his head falling back against the pillow as he let himself wake up a little more.

"How long have you been awake?" He asked, his voice rough from sleep as he rubbed his face.

You checked the time on your phone, "almost four hours now." You wanted to whine for how little sleep you've gotten, but work had to be done.

Is this really how Tomura felt?

Touya got up from the bed, his hands coming to scratch his scalp as he walked over to you. You grinned as you looked at him, resting your cheek on your knuckle.

"You gonna put some clothes on?" You teased as he smirked.

"I thought you'd like the view, doll."

You chuckled, "I do but I don't think anyone that can see into my windows does."

He rolled his eyes before bending over to kiss the side of your head, "fuck 'em." His eyes looked at the paperwork you had scattered everywhere. "Is this all the shit chickendick gave you?"

You snorted as he walked over to your dresser, opening one of the drawers to rummage around. "Yes, it is." You watched him pull out different pairs of your panties before putting them back to keep digging. "Second to last drawer has your stuff in it."

He looked at you over his shoulder, "not even a full day of being in your new room and you move me in? I'm touched," he teased, placing a hand over his heart as you flipped him off. He chuckled as he pulled out some sweats from the drawer, slipping them on before walking back over to you.

You eyed him, catching the way his sweats sat low on his hips, showing off his v-cut as he smirked. You forced your eyes back to your paperwork as he came up behind your chair, his hands leaning onto the desk as he trapped you in from behind.

"What's the plan?" He asked, his voice right next to your ear before he started slowly kissing your neck.

You sighed, "that's what I'm trying to figure out. These three siblings are drastically different in their quirks, all equally dangerous on their own, I can't imagine how it's going to be when they're all together."

He hummed as he kissed behind your ear, "you need a break." His hands moved to the chair as he pulled it away from the desk, turning it around so you were facing him. "Let's go eat something."

You grinned at him, "you just woke up, how're you hungry?"

He shushed you as he pulled you out of the chair, his hands immediately going to your hips as he kissed you. You kissed him back, your hands going to his chest before you remembered what he said to you last night.

You broke the kiss as you looked at him, "tell me how you got these new burns while we eat?"

He rolled his eyes at your stubbornness, "fine."

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