Chapter 4- A promise to keep & friendships to be made

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A/N: Trigger warning for dissociation/panic attack... Love you readers<3


A soft knock came on your door, followed by muffled talking, then a slightly more aggressive knock. You lifted your head from the pillow, blinking back the grogginess from your eyes before dropping your head again, hoping whoever it was would go away. Sadly, more knocks hit your door, causing you to groan as you slid off the bed. Crossing the room slowly, you wiped your mouth off from the apparent drool that escaped and yawned. A few more aggressive knocks started again but stopped when you grabbed the door handle and flung the door open, wondering who in the hell woke you up. You blinked a few times, seeing not only Toga standing at your door, but Dabi too. You rubbed your face, not having the patience for talking just yet, and walked away from the doorway, leaving the door open for them to come in if they so pleased.

"Brat knocked out. His adrenaline must've worn off," Toga said, skipping into your room and looking around, taking in all the fairy lights you had strung up. You shook your head, grabbing your phone as you sat down on your bed, pulling your legs up to sit criss-cross. Dabi stayed by the doorway, leaning against it with a smirk on his face, noting how your room matched you pretty well as he crossed his arms.

"And how does that constitute you coming to bug me," you asked Toga, as you unlocked your phone, checking the time. Fuck me man, it's only been twenty minutes. You internally groaned.

"Well, we were bored, wanted to come see what you were doing," she said, picking up a framed picture you had on your computer desk of you and Tomura dressed up in costumes from Halloween a few years ago. "Wow, didn't know Tomura knew how to have fun," she giggled, setting the picture down and continuing her look around.

You smiled softly at the memory of the picture, "yeah he used to. Don't tell him I have that, he'll kill me," you laughed quietly, resting your chin onto your fist. You let Toga continue her exploration, knowing she won't do any damage, also knowing that she was still just a curious kid, even with all the crime she's done.

As much as you didn't want to, your eyes couldn't help but slowly look over to Dabi, his casual demeanor sending weird feelings through your chest. You couldn't help but take the chance to check him out, seeing how he looked when not wearing his heavy jacket, the low cut shirt showing off his scarred collar bones nicely. How, even with being as skinny as he was, his slightly toned muscles looked when his arms were crossed like they were now. Lost in your own thoughts, you didn't notice him side eyeing you until he spoke, "Keep undressing me like that and I'm going to catch a cold, doll."

You flushed hard and ripped your gaze from him, looking at Toga as she walked her way towards the door to leave. "I'm thirsty so I'm going back to the bar, thanks for letting me explore your room bestie!" She said happily, grin so wide it showed off her sharp teeth. You nodded slowly, looking at anywhere besides the raven-haired male still standing in your doorway. A heavy silence followed Toga's departure, the only sound coming from you clearing your throat awkwardly. You finally turned to look at Dabi, and instantly regretted it, seeing as he was just staring at you, a smug smile still on his face. Your face flushed again, throat suddenly dry as if the biggest glass of water in the world couldn't quench it. You watched as he uncrossed his arms, placing his hands at the top of the doorway and smiled his devilish smile again.

"You know dollface, you're pretty cute when you get all flustered like that," he chuckled. Mouth agape, you grabbed one of your pillows and chucked it at him, hitting him square in the face.

"If you don't need anything, then leave you shithead," you threatened, holding back a smile. "I need to change anyway and I don't need you to babysit me while I do that," you continued, getting up from your bed and crossing the room quickly. By the time you reached the door and tried shutting it, he slapped his hand onto it to prevent you from doing so. You swallowed, turning your facial expression from a look of shock to one of annoyance. Before you could try shutting the door again, he brought his hand to your face, squishing your cheeks with his fingers, and brought your face inches from his.

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