Chap 21- Relearning The Ropes

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A/N: Dabi will come back around soon, I just want more time between y/n and Tomura(and the squadddd) before he practically disappears for a while lmao

Also idk if I really have to explain this but this is going into season 5 and 6 of the anime and if for whatever reason you aren't that far in the anime/manga, clearly the rest of this fic (once it falls back into the canon storyline) will be full of spoilers!


They say that the sunrise after a storm is always the most beautiful. With the way the sky turns into watercolor, mixing like a beautiful painting as it dances across the sky, clearing away the clouds like clearing away dust on a shelf that's been sitting still for too long. Normally, you'd agree, you've always enjoyed a good sunrise and sunny day, even with the idea that you have to run with the night, taking advantage of shadows and dark corridors. One can even say that the sunrise helps your quirk, that's if you take the whole 'forest' idea into play. So all in all, you can say that the sun is something that's pretty good for you as a whole.


But right now, you wanted to blow up the sun, completely erase it out of existence. Because right now, it was shining it's bright ass rays into your eyes. You groaned and threw your blanket over your head before shoving your face into your pillow. Your head was throbbing slightly, causing your eyes to water behind your closed eyelids. You heard the creak of your door opening before something hit your back.

"Get up, we've got things to do sleeping beauty," Tomura said, shutting the door behind him as he approached your bed. You poked your head out and glared at him.

"We don't have a meeting today-"

"No, no meeting" Tomura cut you off, sitting down on your desk chair. "Training."

You raised your eyebrow, sitting up a little more as your blanket fell off your shoulders. "Training? For what?" you asked. Tomura nodded his head towards your bed, causing you to look down at what he threw at you. You grabbed it, a small laugh leaving your lips as you looked back at him. "A frozen burrito? This is what you call fuel for training?" you teased, setting the burrito down onto your desk as Tomura glared at you. "You really need to stop relying on old habits lil bro." You threw the blanket off to the side, swinging your legs off of the bed before resting your arms on your legs. Tomura was watching your every move as you started rubbing your face, attempting to clear the grogginess from your eyes. "Tell me Tomura, why do I suddenly need training and what for?" you asked him.

Tomura stayed silent for a moment, moving to fully lean back against the chair with his arms crossed over his chest. "Because whether you want to accept the fact that I'm leaving or not, I need you at peak condition, both physically and mentally y/n," he explained. "So we need to train you, maybe even push you to make that happen."

Your eyes stayed glued to the floor, soaking in what he said as you sighed. "By 'push me', I hope it doesn't mean another trip to the doctor Tomura," you snipped, your e/c eyes slowly dragging to meet his.

He sighed through his nose, "even when I'm gone, the doctor will be around for you just in case that happens, I made sure of that," he explained somewhat bitterly. "Running an entire group like this isn't easy y/n-"

"I know Tomura, I'm fully aware," you bit, cutting him off as you stood up. "Who would we even use to train me? I'm capable of keeping everyone in our League away without much of a fight," you said, crossing your arms while looking down at him.

"We have hundreds of followers here y/n, we can use any of them," Tomura easily explained, having already planned all of this out while you were sleeping last night. "We have an entire separate floor built solely for the purpose of training. That way when the time comes, everyone in this group will be at full potential."

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