Chapter 1- Chaos for the sake of chaos

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Thick and black clouds swirling together only to billow out into the open air from the windows that have long since exploded from the impact.

"Why is it so heavy?"

The question bounced around your head while you tried to focus on keeping your breaths short.

So dense, filling your lungs, clouding your vision, making you cough while you're trying to navigate the shop.

"Where is dad? If I could just find him he can put out this fire." The thought kept you crawling towards the back where you last knew he was, before the chaos ensued.

Black. It's all you're seeing. Is it the smoke or are you blacking out from lack of oxygen?

You passed by one of the exploded windows and peered out, carefully placing your hands on the windowsill while avoiding the loose glass. The beautiful blue sky greeted your small eyes first, followed by muffled screaming, hearing temporarily gone after the explosion.

"Why isn't anyone helping us?" You wondered while your e/c eyes searched the streets around.

The muffled screaming starts again but you're unable to find the source, causing you to panic, and in turn, making you inhale more smoke.

All your little brain can focus on is the screaming and coughing.

The more you listened to the screaming, the more you recognized it. That's your mother! But where is she? Why can't you find her amongst the shop? Maybe if you just find her you can both find dad and escape.

Find her!

Find her!

You screamed-



You shot up in bed, drenched in sweat and clutching your oversized t-shirt.


Just another nightmare. They've been getting bad recently.

"Why am I still getting these? This shit happened so long ago, I barely remember it.." you whispered to yourself while running a hand through your h/c hair. A loud pounding on your door made you jump, followed by what sounded like an irritated groan. You sighed, rubbing your face, trying to break free of the annoying nightmare. Another pounding on the door came, making you huff as you threw the blankets off to the side, placing your bare feet on the cold floor. Crossing your room quickly, you opened the door while rubbing your eyes.

"Tomura, how many times have I told you to knock nicely instead of trying to break my door with your fist?" you sighed, leaning your head on the door frame. Red eyes met your e/c ones through the hand that he persists on wearing on his face.

"You're lucky I didn't just disintegrate it," Tomura growled while scratching at his neck aggressively. Stepping out of your door a little, you grabbed the hand from his face carefully, knowing how he feels about people touching them. Red eyes met yours again, glare set in stone on his face. Before he can react properly, you sprout a small vine out of your back, from under your shirt, and carefully wrap it around the hand to keep it out of his reach.

"Tomura, how many times have I also told you that when it's just you and me, you don't have to wear this ugly thing on your face?" you said, crossing your arms and leveling your face with his. He growled and started scratching again, with both hands, muttering under his breath.

"Tenko, I can't understand you whil-" he hit the wall next to you, causing you to slightly jump, almost dropping his hand from your vine.

"I don't go by that name anymore and you know that y/n!" Tomura shouted, stepping closer to you, face only a few inches from yours.

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