Chapter 16- My Quirk Did What?

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A/N: This continues off of the last chap, and again, I hope that I'm making the action scenes make sense lol. After this chap, we're gonna fall back into non canon story stuff!

This chap is a bit lengthy, was trying my best to give you a good understanding of y/n's state of mind while in the fight.

~Another trigger warning: more graphic violence, details towards the graphic violence, blood and language~

Hope you all have enjoyed reading so far<3


"I just don't understand, why're you choosing him as your successor and not me?! You saved me first-"

"Because your quirk just isn't what I'm looking for in a successor," All For One explained to you, as if it was the most simplest answer in the world. You looked at him, tears threatening to brim out of your eyes as a pit of anger, confusion and jealousy formed in your chest. "Why the waterworks? Don't worry, I'll find a way for you to be useful."

You heaved a heavy sigh, finding the argument pointless as you sat on the ground of your room, All For One just watching you. Being at the young age of 10, you thought that being with AFO for two years would've given you the chance to prove that you were worthy, but apparently not. The internal struggle you were having was clearly evident on your face as AFO sighed, crouching down to your level.

"What am I supposed to do here? Your quirk just isn't good enough," he said matter-of-factly, the words etching themselves into your brain, cracking a heavy nail into your heart as you looked at him with widened and lost eyes. Then the tears finally breached, pouring out of your eyes as he sighed before standing up, leaving your room without another word as you curled yourself into a ball, heaving what was left of your childhood as it spilled out of you in the form of tears. Little did you know, something cracked in you that day, creating a hole in your body that you were unaware of as it burrowed itself in your body, waiting for the right time to come out.


You slowly opened your eyes, body feeling the way it did ten seconds ago, how it did before you slammed your eyes shut. The realization that you didn't get hit washed over you as you looked down at the puddle of mud that covered your toes. Twice must've saved you, using one of his doubles to defend you from the hammer that was aimed at your head. Everything was moving in slow motion as you looked around, seeing way too many versions of Twice running around, destroying things and fighting the Liberation members. A pair of hands found their way onto your shoulders, causing you to jump as you went to bring your knee up, aiming for the stomach of whoever was touching you until you realized that it was another Twice.

"Earth to Dryad, you with us?!" He asked, shaking you slightly as you suddenly caught your breath, body kicking into overdrive with adrenaline as you came back to earth.

"Yeah, yeah I'm here, where's everyone else?" You asked, shoving him out of your way to watch more of the scene around you unfold.

"Some of the other me's found Dabi, but he didn't want help fighting that ice boy, Compress is fine, he was able to escape some of the horde that was chasing him," he explained, doubling back with; "the big coward!" You shook your head, rolling your hand as a signal for him to continue. "Some other me's are helping Shigaraki get to the tower by distracting the leader but uh.." his voice trailed off suddenly, causing you to look at him confused yet concerned.


He started scratching the back of his head before gasping suddenly, taking you by surprise as if he suddenly remembered something.

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