Chapter 7- I like my revenge flaming hot

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A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed the little adventure the group took :). We got a little bit more non canon stuff before we jump back to the main story, I'm hoping to show off how badass y/n is in this chapter. Hopefully these chapters haven't been too long for you guys, but please let me know!


Thank you for reading<3


You were sweeping around the shop, requested by your mom, to make sure the soil could be reused after spilling a little onto the floor. The bell for the front door rang through the air, signifying customers came in. You lifted your head up, a smile never leaving your face as you went to greet them, only to realize it was your favorite people. You almost dropped the broom out of excitement, setting it down quickly and rushing to the door.

"Rei! Hi, how are you?" you said cheerfully, bouncing on your feet. You looked around her, seeing a tuft of red and white hair, your smile growing wider. "Hi Touya! It's nice to see you again!" you said excitedly. He gave you a small wave, keeping to himself otherwise. You then greeted Fuyumi and a baby Natsuo, who babbled at you happily.

"Hello y/n, would you happen to know where your parents are? I have to ask them a couple of questions about some of the flowers I bought recently," Rei explained, a soft smile on her face. You shook your head and pointed to the back. She ruffled your hair and headed towards the back with Natsuo in her arms, little Fuyumi following right behind her, leaving just you and Touya.

"Did you want to help me while you wait for your mom?" you asked him, grabbing his arm to drag him over to your broom before he even had a chance to argue. He tried to tell you no, but after giving him your big puppy dog eyes, he swept up the soil and helped you put it back into the bag. Once everything was put away, you grabbed him by the hand and dragged him to the back. "I have something to show you!" you said excitedly, causing a small blush to grow on his face as he tried to keep up with you.

You brought him to a corner of the store, where there was a giant window with a big cushioned windowsill attached, filled with pillows and a couple small blankets. You let go of his hand and climbed onto the windowsill, pulling your legs up to your chest and patted the spot next to you, inviting him to sit with you. Face flushed, he slowly climbed onto the windowsill as well, sitting criss-cross next to you. Touya crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, puffing his cheeks.

"What's so special about this? It's just a window" Touya asked, annoyance filling his tone.

"Well, if you give me a second, I'll show you, dummy," you said, sticking your tongue out at him. You then reached around the corner, where on the floor was a little box with a switch on it, which you turned on while turning off the overhead light that sat above the window. Little yellow fairy lights then started flicking on while you grew some roses out of your hands, placing them on the corners of the windowsill and spreading some of the petals around, enjoying the scent that they gave off. Touya raised his eyebrow before picking up one of the petals.

"Why roses?" he asked, twirling one of the petals in his fingers before blowing it at you, causing you to giggle.

"You don't like roses?" you asked, growing another rose and smelling it before setting it down.

"Never said I didn't"

"Well, I like their smells, plus they're so pretty, and they can come in so many colors!" you said happily, picking up a few petals and throwing them up in the air while giggling. He stared at you for a moment, eyebrow raised before reaching towards you, picking a petal out of your hair, causing you to blush. "W- what's your favorite color" you stammered out quickly.

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