Chap 31- Playing Pretend

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A/N: Chap warning- BRIEF mentions of SA


Dabi's/Touya's POV:

It was later in the night now as Y/N laid splayed across his chest, small sleeping sounds coming from you as he mindlessly watched whatever movie was on the tv across from your bed. After he practically fucked you stupid, you tried your best to stay awake for the movie but couldn't as your eyes slowly shut within a few minutes of the movie starting.

He didn't mind as it gave him more time to settle into the somewhat silence of the room after dealing with the knuckleheads all day. Dabi swears he only put up with them because of you, the denial of caring about them trying its best to overwin the argument in his head about it.

A few knocks came at the door to the bedroom, Dabi's icy glare flicking to it quickly as if he could see through the wood itself to figure out who was bothering you at this hour. He stayed silent, but that only caused whoever it was outside the door to knock again, a voice following the knocks as it was muffled by the wood.

"Y/N?" The voice called, making an annoyed spike of anger to shoot through Dabi at the recognition of the voice. Dabi carefully slipped out from under you, causing you to stir slightly but remained asleep as he quietly stood. Slipping on his sweatpants again he padded over to the door, one of his hands forming into a fist as he opened the door partly.

His bored expression met Hawks' surprised face as their eyes met, Hawks' mouth opening and shutting a few times as he tried to school his face.

"She's asleep, fuck off" Dabi said, his voice monotone but the hint of a warning flashing through his eyes as he looked at the bird man.

"I need to talk to her," Hawks pressed as his golden eyes wandered through the room behind Dabi.

Dabi leaned his free arm against the doorframe, blocking what view Hawks had of the room as small licks of blue flames danced across his free hand that was now in full view for Hawks. "You have a hearing problem?" Dabi's voice dropped to match the heavy warning that his eyes had as they pierced through Hawks.

Hawks rolled his eyes before a smirk tugged at his mouth, "it's important man, come on."

"You have three options and thirty seconds to choose," Dabi started, the blue flames on his fingers growing ever so slightly as his temper started rising. "One- I burn you to a crisp right where you stand for making me repeat myself that she's asleep." Hawks went to open his mouth but Dabi cut him off, "Two- you tell me and I decide if it's worth telling her or three." Dabi's hand grabbed the door frame harshly, his fiery fingers leaving their impressions in the wood quickly as he leaned his head forward towards Hawks. "You fuck off and talk to her tomorrow, where either way, I'll know whatever is you need to tell her."

Dabi's cold gaze and bored expression didn't match his tone of warning, Hawks having to steel his nerves as he held his ground. Silence developed between the two as Hawks ran through his options in his head.

Dabi's hand shifted from the door frame, quickly catching the feather that tried zipping past him into the room as he gripped it with a tight fist. Hawks had to hold back the squirm his body wanted to give off, the heat from Dabi's hand running a chill down his spine.

Dabi's icy glare slowly looked at the feather he was now holding between his fingers, one of his eyes twitching at the nerve of this chickenshit hero. Dabi spun the feather between his fingers as his eyes moved back to Hawks, his jaw clenching as he bored holes into Hawks.

The feather quickly caught fire, Dabi's eyes lighting with satisfaction at the sight of Hawks letting the heat get the best of him as he quietly hissed. As the ashes of the feather fell to the floor, Dabi grinned, his wicked smile pulling at his staples as a small chuckle left his mouth.

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