Chapter 11- Two Of A Kind

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A/N: Hawks is a little shit

That is all

Thank you for reading<3


It's only been a couple hours since you called Tomura and crawled into bed with Touya, but sleep was not what was finding you right now. Something in the back of your mind was gnawing at you but you couldn't place your finger on what it was. And because of that, you've been tossing and turning, trying your best to not wake Touya in the process. Frustration started seeping into your bones as you brought your hands up to rub your face, quietly groaning before checking your phone to see the time.


"Do I need to wear you out to sleep by fucking you or something?"

You jumped a little, Touya's deep, sleep filled voice catching you off guard. You rolled your eyes, not really in the mindset for his dirty jokes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I just can't seem to fall asleep," you said, rolling over to face him, entangling your legs with his.

"Yeah no shit, I've been feeling you roll around," he said, slightly shoving his face more into the pillow, eyes never opening while you've been talking. You took a deep breath as you let your eyes space off, letting your mind wander back into trying to figure out what's preventing you from sleeping. Too busy spacing out, you didn't notice Touya peek one of his eyes open, scanning your face as he realized you weren't going to sleep anytime soon. "Want to talk about what's going on in that head of yours, doll?"

His voice brought you back to reality, blinking rapidly to moisturize your suddenly dry eyes. "No, you need your re-"

"Don't treat me like kid y/n, because you need rest too and that's clearly not happening until we talk so-" he sat up a little, bringing his arm out towards you to invite you to his chest, "-get to talking."

His commanding tone made your brain all fuzzy while his slightly caring demeanor, as mean as he can be considering he's running off only a few hours of sleep, made your chest all warm. You scooted closer, bringing your head to rest on his chest as he started rubbing your back. You sighed, knowing you might as well start with the first thing that came to mind.

"My first thing that's been bouncing around in my head is; why did you call Tomura to ask about my quirk?" You felt his chest move as he scoffed while he rolled his eyes.

"Well, you know all about my quirk and yet you didn't bother to tell me why yours is killing you somehow, now did you?" He bit, his hand coming to a stop in the middle of your back again, right on that damned scar. You bit your inner cheek.

"Okay yeah, that's my bad, but you could've just asked inst-"

"No, I couldn't just wake you up and pile my questions onto you, but I can start doing that from now on if you want me to be that kind of asshole," he snapped, causing you to sit up to look at him, baffled and confused as to why he was being so rude to you. You felt a little anger bubble up in your chest but pushed it back down, knowing his sour attitude is just from lack of sleep, which is your fault, not his.

"Okay fine, want me to give you the full detail on the curse that is my quirk?" You asked, sitting up fully, resting your legs under you as he nodded. "You remember how when I overuse my quirk I start getting those vines crawling up my neck and mouth?" Another nod from him followed your question. "Well my quirk does more than that when I exhaust myself. There are roots inside of my back from my quirk base that stem around my spine. The more I overuse my quirk, the more the roots start wrapping around everything inside of me. Not just my spine but my nerves, my muscles, everything." You breathed out a breath you didn't realize you were holding.

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