Chap 32- Secret Identities

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A/N: Dabi's outfit is def inspired by this fan art I found on Twitter (I forget the artist but credits to them)


Getting into the club proved to be easy, the bouncers outside the main doors being more for show than actual security as it seemed they let just anyone in. You guessed that since they catered more towards villains than the actual public, why would you need security anyway. When you all stepped in, the heavy, loud music and atmosphere almost overwhelmed you as there were packs of people everywhere, making the club hotter than intended.

A dance floor was smack in the middle of the club, cages and small lifted floors around it with skimpy dressed women inside the cages. The dance floor was packed with people as they danced in either their respective groups or by themselves. A DJ booth was behind the dance floor with small staircases on either side as people packed behind the DJ himself for more dancing space.

Another staircase sat behind the DJ booth, leading up to a black door that branched off the second floor and it had giant windows next to it, making you guess that it was where the main office is. Underneath the DJ booth staircases were curtained rooms, reminding you of what strip clubs would have for special VIP guests to enjoy a more private show.

A giant bar sat on the second floor of the club, that can only be seen when you go into the middle of the club and turned around, packs of people surrounding it as multiple bartenders ran from one side to the other just to keep up with the demands. Along the sides of the first and second floors were booths for casual seating, filled to the brim with more people. Railings sat along the second floor, hanging off of them were bright lights that ranged in different colors as they flashed onto the dance floor.

"Should we stick together?" Spinner asked you as your eyes were scanning for your targets.

"No, split up but stay in my view, Dabi and I will be over there," you said as you pointed to a free booth on the second floor, close to the main office door.

Everyone nodded before splitting up, Dabi's arm coming to wrap around your waist as you both headed for the staircases. His added warmth had you already sweating as you pushed through the crowds, the smell of sweat and different alcohol scents hitting you in waves. You climbed the staircases, your wedges giving you a bit of grief from the random spilled drink here and there before you approached the booth and quickly sat down.

Dabi slid in next to you as you pulled out your phone from the purse hanging from your shoulder, checking the active pings from the three siblings. It showed that they were all in the office area, but that either meant they were actually in there or it was just where they left their phones.

Dabi's arm rested on the back of the booth behind your shoulders, his face right next yours as you felt his hot breath fan your ear. "You're teasing me with this dress, doll" he said in your ear as his free hand slid onto your thigh.

Goosebumps ran down your spine as you slipped your phone into the purse again. "I've been wearing it for like twenty minutes," you teased as you grinned at him. You still weren't quite used to seeing his face being one skin tone as you looked him over.

He smirked at you before kissing your neck, his white hair tickling your nose as your breath shuddered. "Twenty minutes too long," he said with a nip to your neck before he sat back up, a satisfied grin on his face upon seeing how flustered he made you.

"We're supposed to be working," you hissed at him, your face red as you lightly smacked his chest, a chuckle leaving him as his cerulean eyes looked you over.

"We're blending in aren't we?" He teased as he sank further into his seat, his legs manspreading as he looked around the club. You couldn't help but finally take the chance to look over his outfit, and you were surprised that Molly knew how to dress him, even with how much she teased and fought with Dabi.

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