Chapter 2- Welcome to the club

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A/N: Hello all, Skully here! I apologize if that first chapter was a little long and weird, I'm trying to get the feel of the relationship between shiggy and y/n set so y'all can understand their dynamic😅 I also know that is not exactly how the rundown between Stain and shiggy went but I had to throw in another character which kind of made it awkward, sorry not sorry lol.

As always, love you all, comments are always welcome, and thank you again for reading!



You rolled over in bed, eyes feeling like they're glued shut, and reached around for your phone. Locating it, you squinted from the brightness of the screen. You softly smiled at your lock screen, a goofy picture of you and Tomura as teens hanging out at a park.

"Come on Tomura! Take a pic with me pleaseeeee," you begged, pulling off the biggest puppy dog eyes towards him. He rolled his eyes and sat down on the grass. You huffed, sitting down next to him, pulling your legs up to your chest. Resting your head on your knees, you peered at Tomura, watching him pick blades of grass and twirling them in between his fingers.

"Tomura, can I ask you something?"

"You just did, stupid," he responded without looking at you. You puffed your cheeks, reaching over and slightly pushing him by his shoulder. You continued looking at him but shook your head upon realizing the attitude he wanted to have. "Do you think we'll always be by each other's side, even as we get older?" you asked anyway, looking up at the sky to watch a few clouds slowly blow by. After a minute of silence, you finally looked over at him, seeing him looking at you with a slight dust of pink on his face.

"Wh- what kind of dumb question is that?!' he asked, fluster evidently kicking into overdrive for him. He picked up his small pile of plucked grass blades and threw it at you. You giggled and brushed them off of you before looking at him again, biting your inner cheek, determined to get your answer.

"...I'm only asking because you're all I have left Tomura" you said quietly, picking at some fuzz on your jeans before continuing. "All For One doesn't count, not really. You're the only one that's treated me like a person, even though you're mean to me sometimes," you joked. "You don't have to answer my question if you don't want to, but I just want you to know, you're like a brother to me, so I hope we don't lose each other..." you said softly, dropping your head back onto your knees.

Silence enveloped you two for a little bit, until Tomura grabbed your arm and brought you closer to him. As you brought your head back up to look at him, he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, his cheeks still pink but eyes slightly glossy.

"Tomura I didn't mean-"

"Just shut up and take your picture before I change my mind," he huffed, throwing his hood up enough to cover his messy hair. You smiled brightly, taking your phone out to open the camera app. You threw up a peace sign, eyes closed and smiled wide, while Tomura stuck out his tongue but also threw up a peace sign with the hand that was around your shoulder. You snapped a few pictures and looked at them, smiling happily, making sure to set one as your lock screen.

"To answer your dumb question, I don't know where we will be later in life, considering all the plans that All For One has for me, but I do know one thing," he said looking out at the sky. You looked at him with curious eyes. "No matter what happens between us, I'll always be there for you y/n. Even though you're a pain in my ass AND older than me, I will have your back as long as you have mine" he said matter of factly, finally looking at you. You smiled warmly, raising your hand up, fingers closed except your pinky. He smirked, copying your same motion, wrapping his finger around yours, sealing the promise.

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