Chap 18- A Vow To Not Drink Again

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Dabi's/Touya's POV:

A short elevator ride and walk later, he guided you into his room and kicked the door shut. He took you over to the bed after taking off your makeup and sat you down, crouching down in front of you with his hands on your knees. More giggles escaped you as you looked at him.

"Hi baby," you said softly, a goofy smile spreading across your drunken face as you caressed his face with your hands. He kissed each hand before looking back at you.

"Hi my gorgeous girl, did you have fun?" He asked, moving to start taking your shoes off and setting them aside. You vigorously shook your head yes and he smiled. "Good I'm glad." He stood back up, holding his hands out to you as you looked at them. "Bite them again and I'll smack you," he warned, a pout setting on your face as you looked at him. "Stand up doll, as much as your outfit makes you look more fuckable, you're not sleeping in it."

You continued pouting but took his hands as he guided you to stand. You started sniffling as he slipped your fishnet top off, the sudden sadness of your face caused him to stop. "Why're you getting upset?" He asked, a slight irritation filling his voice as he attempted to continue undressing you. When you didn't answer he gently grabbed your chin and lifted your head, your eyes brimming with tears as you reluctantly looked at him. "Why're you crying y/n." More silence followed as a spike of anger rushed his chest, immediately assuming the worst. "Did that fucking chicken touch you?" He asked, his fingers getting hot at the thought of Hawks touching what was his.

Thankfully, you shook your head no, causing his anger to subside a little. He searched your face as tears started falling down your cheeks. "Then did someone else touch you?" He didn't want to know, because the whole building would get burned down if you said yes, but again, thankfully you shook your head no. "Then what doll, I'm not a mind reader." He was getting impatient, but he had to force himself to be considering your drunken state.

"You don't love meee," you blubbered, tears flowing down your cheeks as Touya closed his eyes.

You got to be fucking kidding me

I love an idiot I swear

"My gorgeous girl-" he kissed your forehead, "-stop being dumb and let's get into bed," he stated, finishing off undressing you before grabbing your hips, turning you around before you crawled into the bed. He watched you bury yourself under his blanket, the sight of you in his bed in just panties never getting old as he slipped off his shirt and sweats. He climbed his way into the spot of the bed between you and the wall, barely getting under the blankets himself before you threw yourself onto his chest. He wrapped an arm around you as you nuzzled your face into his chest, smiling to yourself as he watched you, content filling his chest.

It wasn't long before you passed out, alcohol being one hell of a sleep aid as he watched your back rise and fall with each breath. He brushed a strand of H/C hair behind your ear, resting his lips against the top of your head, whispering something into your hair before kissing your head and closing his eyes. He let the heavy smell of rain and flowers fill his senses, the scent becoming a comfort to him as he knew it was you as he let it guide him to sleep.

"I am more in love with you than you'll ever know Y/N"


Dabi's/Touya's POV contd;

Touya stirred awake when a brief flash of sunlight danced across his eyelids, making him peek one eye open to be greeted with his favorite sight. You both rolled onto your sides in your sleep, Touya's arm wrapped around your waist as he had you pulled tight against his chest. He lifted his head and tucked some hair behind your ear, noticing you were still passed out as he kissed the side of your neck. He carefully crawled over you, sliding his feet onto the floor before standing up fully.

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