Chap 17- Party In The PLF

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A/N: back to non canon story yaaaay! This chap is exactly as it sounds like lmao. I tried not putting music suggestions into this chap so that you, the reader, can select whatever type of club/dance music that you would like (and honestly I couldn't decide on a good playlist myself lmao).

I would put a warning for drinking, but I don't feel it's necessary tbh other than that y/n gets kinda drunk lol

Thank you for reading as always and I hope you enjoy❤️


It was one week after the announcement of the new and improved Paranormal Liberation Front. You all got your own rooms within the same hallway so that you could all be close to each other, a demand that came directly from your mouth, a hellish wrath from you if you got separated from them again. You all were enjoying the life of having whatever you want, practically whenever you wanted, maybe indulging a little too much in all the delicious free food.

Getting used to being around not only all the villains and thugs was one thing, but now you had to remind yourself that you were going to be seeing heroes everyday. The first few days were hit and miss, you had to be separated from a few low level heroes because they wanted to be smart with you. They had to be taken into a separate room with Re-Destro just to be reminded who you were, immediate apologies falling out of their mouths with their faces bowed to the ground.

The power your group held was something none of you were used to, but quickly adapted to as you all learned how to handle commanding your own little army. Your group was smaller than the others, but only because you had to control all the Lieutenants on top of the entire PLF with Shigaraki. You and Tomura still haven't talked much, let alone apologized to each other, only saying anything when it came to business for the PLF. You tried swallowing your pride a few times, an attempt at getting him alone to talk but it never worked out, both of you being too busy to actually sit down and breathe most of the time.

But thankfully, a few days came where no business meetings were being made and nothing important was issued to you that required immediate attention, so you were able to sit down and relax. And that's what you were doing, or at least attempting to as you were hanging out in Toga's room with her and Twice.

"Hey hey! Y/N did you hear about the party?" Toga asked you, plopping down next to you on her bed. You set your phone down and raised your eyebrow.

"I love parties! Screw parties, I'm getting too old for them!" Twice butted in, making Toga giggle.

"Party?-" you shuffled through your memories of the past few days, all the boring meetings and training blending your days together into a blur, "-no, can't say I have" you said.

"Yeah! Re-Destro said he wanted to throw a party to celebrate the coming together of us joining them!" Toga said, the excitement causing her to practically shake with happiness.

"I don't know if I want to go," you said with a sigh, making Toga's face drop into a frown.

"What! Why not?" She pleaded, taking one of your hands and shaking your arm.

"Yeah why not?" Twice joined in.

"Because they're not really my thing, not like I've had an opportunity to really go to one," you explained while shrugging. Toga grinned her sharp smile at you, a mischievous look on her face. "Don't give me that look."

"Ugh but come onnnn! You know it'll be fun! Maybe you can even convince Dabi to go!" She said, still shaking your arm as her excitement grew.

You snorted, "Dabi? Go to a party? That man barely socializes with us let alone go to a party."

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