Chapter 10- Chaotic Minds Think Alike

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A/N: Hello my loves, this chap is gonna be a lil non canon but by the end it'll lead into canon stuff that happens next chap so bare with me! Hopefully these chaps haven't been too long ;-;

Idk if y'all enjoy the domestic relationship side of Y/N and Touya like I do, but there's more of it in this chap lol

Thank you for reading as always<3


Dabi's/Touya's POV:

It was currently 3 AM and he could barely sleep. His stressed out and confused mind kept him awake all night and it was really starting to get on his nerves. The question of how your quirk was killing you kept bouncing around his head as he tossed and turned, trying his best to not wake you while you were curled up in the bed beside him. He groaned quietly, running a hand down his face as he sat up, carefully untangling himself from you, making sure to fix the blanket so that you stayed covered up.

He grabbed his phone from the bedside table after slipping on some sweats and a hoodie that was on the floor. He looked at the left shoulder of the hoodie, the rip catching him off guard, and grimaced, seeing it was the one you were wearing when he burned you. He rolled his eyes as he walked over to the bedroom door, opening it slowly so as to not wake you. He then slipped out the door and shut it quietly behind him, making his way towards the front door where he slipped on some shoes and stepped out.

The cool air greeted him, attacking his lungs and face quickly with a cold chill, instantly seeing his breath as he sighed. After lighting a cigarette, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts and after finding who he was looking for, he clicked the call button and put the phone up to his ear. A few rings went by before the call got answered, the other person on the end of the line groaning as Dabi heard a light scratching sound.

"It's 3 AM Dabi, this better be important," Tomura said into the phone, irritation filling his voice. Dabi rolled his eyes as he blew smoke out of his mouth.

"Yeah well, it's not like you sleep anyway you dust bunny," Dabi said as he flicked ashes off his cigarette.

"I'm going to hang up if you don't tell me why you're calling me."

"I'm calling to ask you about y/n," Dabi said while taking another drag. It was silent on the other end of the line for a minute, causing Dabi to check his phone to see if the call ended for some reason.

"What about her?" Tomura asked, suspicion overtaking his attitude.

"She told me last night that her quirk is killing her but didn't care to share how so-"

"No." Tomura said, cutting off Dabi quickly, catching him off guard.

"What do you mean no" Dabi asked, irritation filtering through his teeth.

"Exactly what it-"

"I know you know, just give me something," Dabi cut him off, crushing the cigarette in his hand before dropping it onto the ground. More silence followed, causing Dabi to roll his eyes again as he leaned against his door frame. Then he heard Tomura sigh.

"The only thing I will tell you is that last year I had to have her checked out, where that check up turned into surgery-" Tomura coughed away from the phone, "-apparently the vines in her back from her quirk started wrapping around her spine, effectively making some of her nerves useless in her back so surgery had to be done to dislodge the vines from her nerves before they made her handicapped."

To say Dabi was baffled wouldn't even correctly explain how he was feeling. He hung up his phone, slipping it back into his pocket as he went back inside, a giant mix of emotions flipping through his chest as he slipped off his shoes. As he came back into the bedroom, he slipped off the hoodie and dropped it back onto the floor. He crawled into the bed, immediately pulling you to him where you nuzzled yourself into his chest, humming contently as you continued to sleep. He kissed the top of your head, lost in thought as he wrapped his arms around you. He would figure this out, come hell or high water.

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