Chap 20- 'I Told You So' Hurts

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A/N: This rolls right off last chap, lessgooo

Sorry this took so long for me to finally get posted

I work a regular job that schedules me 45 hours a week and I also have a side Etsy business of anime glass paintings that keeps me busy too so I've been pretty wrapped up in regular life and kept forgetting about this chap

Love you guys<3



It had been three days since the argument. Three days of constant emotional breakdowns in your room at night followed by awkward and quiet breakfast meals with the League, minus Dabi and Tomura. You've been trying every day since then to get into contact with Tomura, but he suddenly became the hardest man to get a hold of in all of Japan. You knew he was still around the hideout, especially when you were forced to attend meetings with the League and Redestro, but the moment they would end, Tomura would up and disappear faster than you could process it.

It was driving you crazy, or maybe the lack of sleep was just wearing you out. You had Toga sleep in your bed with you a couple more times but after a while you changed your mind, feeling like you were just annoying her. But you didn't realize how much she actually helped you sleep until you didn't have her, and tonight is one of those nights. It sadly has turned into one of those things where your body and mind got so used to having someone beside you at night that now that you didn't have it, you were left to just suffer.

It also causes you to start smoking more, the bad habit becoming more of a coping mechanism for your shaky brain. After tossing and turning for hours, you quietly groaned while throwing the blankets off to the side, placing your feet onto the cold floor and standing up. You crossed the room to your desk, grabbing your phone and cigarettes before remembering that you needed to throw on a hoodie due to it getting colder outside as winter approached quickly.

You turned to your closet and dug through the pile of clothes that have slowly collected itself into a mountain, pulling out a hoodie before throwing it on along with a pair of sweats over your sleep shorts. Sliding your phone and cigarettes into the front pocket of your hoodie, you slipped on your boots and left your room.

The hallway at night was always quiet, only a few other people roaming around, as they too couldn't sleep. You waved to a couple of guys hanging out by the corner at the end of the hallway before turning and heading towards the elevator. Pressing the call button for the elevator, you repressed a yawn with your hand as your eyes watered. As you blinked back the sudden flow of water in your eyes, you found yourself scratching your neck, almost in similar fashion that Tomura used to before slamming your hands into your hoodie pocket.

After an elevator ride and some more shuffling through hallways, you stopped when you got to the main lobby, slightly wide, yet tired, eyes scanning it over. Blackened walls and almost charred pillars greeted you as you bit the inside of your cheek. You knew who did it, Dabi's signature heat being easily recognizable to you as you raised an eyebrow at the spot on the wall that showed that some poor sap attempted to scrub it clean before giving up rather quickly.

When the fuck did he do this?

Shaking your head to clear the thoughts of Dabi away, you finally turned towards the main doors, pushing them open only to be greeted by a blast of chilly air. Flipping your hood up over your head and reaching into your pocket for the cigarettes, you walked over to one of the thick pillars and leaned against it before lighting your cigarette. The first inhale of smoke along with the cold had you coughing a bit, your back aching as you leaned forward a bit.

"If your quirk doesn't do it, those cigarettes are going to kill you, idiot."

You jumped at the sudden voice, snapping your head towards the source only for the sight to make your heart clench.

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