Chapter 3- Leader of a misfit squad

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A/N: Hello again dear reader! I hope you're enjoying it so far and now have a better understanding of Tomura's and y/n's relationship to each other. In this chapter, I'm going to try my damned hardest to be detailed about action without making you all reread the entire training camp arc.

~Outfit for y/n to fit her quirk: black slip on shoes(almost like slip on Vans), loose but fitting black cargo pants, a tight-fitting camo colored crop top and a cropped black jacket. This leaves y/n's back open for vines, the shoes being slip ons just in case they get ruined from armor~

Again, this is my first fic, but I promise I'm trying!

Nice comments and constructive criticism is welcome! Thank you for reading!



You sat on the hood of your suburban, hood over your head, black face mask on, staring out over the city as you smoked a cigarette. It's been a week since your meeting with Giran and the others. Tomura got over his temper tantrum and decided that Kurogiri was right about expanding your forces, eventually agreeing to take in others, even Dabi and Toga. It felt weird, having others around the bar, planning out missions and sourcing materials to complete them. Not only that, but weird having people around that you haven't grown up knowing like you did with Tomura and Kurogiri.

You took a drag off your cigarette, exhaling the smoke as you sighed. It was nice to see Tomura starting to take initiative and step into the leader role he was meant to be in. You actually felt proud of him, he's finally starting to grow up and the thought made you smile a little, ignoring the small ping of jealousy that made itself known. You continued to stare out at the city, letting the cool breeze blow across your face.

The music you were playing from your phone stopped, then it started vibrating, indicating a call was coming through. You looked at the screen and saw that it was Tomura. Sliding your thumb across the screen to answer it, you put it up to your ear as you flicked your cigarette onto the ground, crushing it with your shoe.

"Hey bro, what's up?" you said as you slipped your hand into your pocket.

"Don't hey bro me right now, where are you?" he responded, sounding annoyed already.

"Aw, are you not having fun with our new recruits?" you sarcastically asked, walking to the driver side of your car, opening the door to get inside.

"I swear y/n, I'm going to strangle you if you keep leaving me alone with them," he growled.

You chuckled, "sounds kinky bro count me in," you said, starting the car, throwing the face mask into your pocket and setting your phone to bluetooth. You put it in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot. "I'm on my way back right now. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Please hurry, these new recruits make me want to shove my head into a wall," he said quietly.

You laughed, "okay okay I'll get there as fast as I can, love youuuu," you said in a sing-songy tone. You heard him groan then hang up, causing you to roll your eyes. You grabbed your phone, playing your music again as you drove, speeding to take your car back to its hiding spot 


Standing on top of the hill overlooking the camp, you crossed your arms, taking in your surroundings. This place was definitely hidden and out of the way, that's for sure. If it wasn't for All For One telling Kurogiri where to take you guys, you never would've found this place on your own. Rolling your shoulders, mentally preparing for how this night was going to go, you turned around to look at your crew. Toga was messing with her mask, whining about the style of it, making you roll your eyes. You walked up to her and clipped the mask for her, looking her dead in the eye.

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