Chapter 9- Slipping Into The Flames

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A/N: Like last time, we're rolling into this chap off of last chap, but now we're back to more non canon stuff. And as a heads up, this chap is going to be the start of building the relationship between Dabi/Touya and y/n.

So forewarning: spicy stuff in this chap(I'll put a '^*^' when it starts and ends just in case some people aren't here for that stuff)

Also a reminder: when it's just y/n and Dabi alone together, she starts calling him by Touya but when they're not alone, he's strictly Dabi, showing how y/n respects his request waaay back from chap 5! (It also shows how Dabi starts letting himself fall back into his old self around y/n when they're alone, instead of always having his guard up!)

One more thing!- y/n smells like a mix of sweet flowers & natural nature smells like trees because of her quirk

As always thank you for reading <3


You and Touya stepped into his apartment, sighs escaping both of you as the front door clicked shut. After getting everyone back to the hideout, checking in with Tomura again, then getting some groceries, you were both tired. You forced Touya to shop for some real groceries, stealing food from grocery stores not being too hard, because you were tired of snacking on whatever you could find around the area of where he lived. You walked over to the counter, setting a couple bags down and started sorting through them. Touya followed suit, setting his bag on the counter to start putting the cold stuff in the fridge.

You slipped off your jacket after finishing off the groceries you had, feeling the grossness of the day's work set into your skin. As Touya finished his part of the groceries as well, he walked over to a window and cracked it open, just enough for him to smoke out of it without having to go outside, especially since it was getting colder. You groaned loudly, putting your hands on your hips, making an annoyed face at him as he turned to look at you.

"I literally just took off my jacket, Touya," you said, turning to the fridge, reaching in to grab a water bottle and an apple.

"And that's my problem, how?" He asked, lighting his cigarette anyway as he leaned against the window frame.

"Because you know how easily cold I get," you whined, taking a drink of your water as you turned around to the counter, grabbing a knife to start cutting your apple into slices. "Or do you forget that not everyone is a walking furnace like you?" You teased as you continued to slice. Silence followed your teasing, a sign that he didn't care enough for it to give you a response, causing you to shake your head slightly.

Suddenly, warm hands wrapped around your waist, pulling your hips to his gently. He brought his face to the right side of yours, getting close enough to your ear that you could feel his breath. Your back becoming increasingly warm due to his body heat radiating onto you.

"Need someone to keep you warm, doll?" He asked in a low, husky tone, immediately sending shivers down your spine. Your face flushed, stomach doing flips as your hands froze in place. He laughed in your ear, the deepness of his voice sending jolts to your heart and.. something else. "I'm not hearing a no," he teased, taking advantage of your flustered state to grab an apple slice from you, keeping one of his arms still around your waist.

You shook your head, coming back to your senses, as you continued slicing, feeling him rest his head on your shoulder. You leaned your head against his, hand feeding him slices every now and then until the apple was completely sliced, almost gone already. The domestic feeling between you two had you smiling, almost forgetting you two were some of the most wanted criminals in Japan.

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