Chapter 14- Sibling Bonding

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A/N: like usual, we're rolling off of last chap, and this should be the last bit of non canon stuff before I jump back into the canon storyline!
Tbh I wanted to do this chapter more heavy on the relationship between y/n and shig since I haven't done much since the first few chaps
I hope the last few chaps haven't been too messy for y'all!
As always, thank you for reading❤️

You were in the kitchen, sitting on the countertop drinking your coffee while scrolling on your phone. You didn't get much sleep after being woken up earlier this morning, which made you a bit grumpy. You heard shuffling coming from the bedroom, looking up from your phone to see a groggy Touya slowly walking out in just a pair of shorts. You smiled at him while taking a drink from your coffee cup, him raising an eyebrow at you as he walked towards the coffee pot that you left hot for him.

"Why must you always choose the weirdest of places to sit, you're like a damn cat," he commented while pouring coffee into a cup, you chuckling while swallowing your coffee.

"Would you prefer me to not be so strange instead?" You teased while setting down your phone. He shook his head with a smile, walking up to you and kissing you.

"Mm, maybe," he teased back, earning a playful nudge from you as he sipped his coffee.


"Yeah, well you love me so"

"Yeah, I do," you breathed, leaning your head on his shoulder as he leaned against the counter, both of you quietly sipping your coffee as silence settled between you two. You then felt your phone vibrating on your leg, lifting the screen up to see a goofy picture of Tomura along with his contact name flashing across the screen. Why is he calling me so early? You slid your thumb across the screen, answering it as you put the phone on speaker.

"What's up loser?" You said while taking a drink from your coffee.

"Okay if you're going to be rude I'm hanging-"

"No no, you called me, what's up?" You backtracked, interrupting him.

"...I need your help," he said after a minute of silence, his voice sounding more scratchy than usual, which made you raise your eyebrow with curiosity. You looked at Touya, who simply shrugged before continuing to drink his coffee in silence.

"You okay? You sound worse than you usually do"

"Gee, thanks-" a few coughs left him, which made you understand why he was calling you.

"You're sick, aren't you?" You asked, swinging your legs down to land onto the ground, coffee cup still in hand.

"Sadly, yes and-" more coughs left him before he could finish his sentence as you were walking to the bedroom, Touya in tow behind you.

"You need me to get you stuff and bring it to you?" You asked, setting your phone down on the dresser along with your cup to start looking for clothes to wear.

"...yes" was all he said, sniffles and more coughs following suit. You sighed, pulling out some sweats and a t-shirt and setting them on the bed.

"Okay, let me hit up a store then I'll make my way to you," you said, stripping off the shirt you slept in to start changing.

"...thanks," Tomura said before hanging up, Touya sitting down on the bed while you slipped on some underwear and a bra.

"You coming with?" You asked Touya.

"And risk getting sick? No thanks"

"Okay well, do you need me to grab anything while I'm at the store?" You asked him, slapping his hand away as he went to snap the lace on your panties.

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