Chap 29- All Tied Up

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A/N: Triple update!

This chap starts with spice, which I know y'all in the back are screaming "about time motherfucker!" I know I know, we missed spicy Touya, I won't deprive you anymore I promise! (There is also a little bit of quirk play in it)

Reminder: Due to Y/N's double quirk, she smells like flowers and springtime with a bit of refreshing salty water? If that makes sense? You guys are smart you'll figure it out lol❤️


Dabi's/Touya's POV:

-A few days before; the day of the meeting/forest fire-

Dabi trudged his feet as he followed his main group into the meeting room, his cerulean eyes locked onto the back of y/n's head. He wanted to punch himself in the face when his heart fluttered as you turned around to smile at Toga, he missed that smile, but he'd never openly admit it.

When y/n's e/c eyes moved up to meet him, his stomach dropped as he watched your smile fade, a look of panic settling on your face before you quickly turned around. Even in that brief moment, he could see that you hadn't been sleeping well and that you've been crying, the bags and redness around your eyes being a dead giveaway.

As they came up to the doors of the meeting room, everyone except Tomura entered first. As Dabi went to follow, he felt Tomura grab him on the back of his jacket collar, a growl leaving Dabi's throat as he glared at Tomura.

Tomura's red irises were full of resentment and hatred as he glared through Dabi. "I know I said I'd kill you if you hurt her, and trust me, I should," Tomura started as his grip on Dabi's jacket got tighter. "But for her sake, fix whatever the fuck you messed up before I leave, got it?"

Tomura's command had Dabi clenching his jaw tight as his eyes couldn't help but wander over to you. You were giggling at something Toga said before your eyes met his again, a wave of sadness settling over Dabi's already exhausted state. He didn't voice a response to Tomura, just simply nodded before Tomura let go of his jacket and let him sit down at his place at the table, your eyes following his every move.

He wouldn't admit it, but Tomura was right, and that pissed him off.


Y/N's POV:

-current time-

It didn't take long to get back to the bedroom, Touya being ever so impatient as he dragged you back to the room, kicking the door shut behind him. He watched with eager eyes as you slowly stripped off your shirt, your sports bra coming off soon after as you smiled sweetly at him.

"Fucking hell, I missed this view," he growled as he sauntered up to you, sliding his jacket off quickly as he let it hit the floor.

You slid your hands under his shirt, guiding it off of him as he tossed it aside. Your eyes wandered his chest and stomach, seeing new burn marks and staples than before.

"Oh Touya, what have you been doing to yourself?" You asked, worry lacing your voice as you gently touched the new staples on his chest.

"Let's save that for later," he said quietly, his mouth connecting to your neck as he littered it with kisses and bites.

You went to protest, but only a breathy moan left your mouth as Touya's hands grabbed your hips aggressively. You grabbed his face gently, bringing his mouth to yours needily as his tongue easily slid into your mouth. He started pushing you back towards the bed as your hands slid down his chest and stopped at his belt buckle.

He chuckled as he broke the kiss, his hands coming up to your shoulders to gently push you down onto the bed. "Always so impatient sweetheart," he said lowly as his eyes took in the sight of you. "Fuck," he whispered as his eyes met yours.

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