Chapter 13- Deepening The Roots

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A/N: This rolls right off last chap

This chap might be a lil sappy and probably ooc for Dabi but oh well🤷🏻‍♀️



You kicked the door shut, your hands currently full from carrying containers of ramen for you and Touya, before slipping off your boots and kicking them off to the side. You put on your slippers quickly, your skin already screaming at you for how cold the floor is, mentally kicking yourself for not stealing a heater from the mall for this time of year.

"Touya, I'm back and I need help," you called out in a singsong tone, the apartment being eerily quiet until you heard shuffling coming from the bedroom. Touya emerged through the doorway while looking at his phone, wearing gray sweatpants and a black tank top, making your stomach do flips. He threw his phone into his pocket as you walked over to the counter, setting down the ramen carefully so as to not spill it.

"Need my help with what?" He asked, walking up behind you to wrap his arms carefully around your waist, being gentle around your burns. "Seems to me like you had it just fine," he joked, earning a nudge from you with your elbow while you laughed.

"The clothes are still in the car and it's too cold for me to go back out there," you whined as you turned around while still being wrapped in his arms, putting your hands on your hips. "I parked just around the corner because I was not about to walk a couple blocks carrying ramen in this cold." He hummed in response before kissing your forehead, grabbing your keys and turning to walk towards the front door. "At least put a sweater on Touya," you called out to him as you turned around to start putting the ramen into bowls.

"Nah," was all he said before you heard the front door open then shut again, causing you to roll your eyes. You put each container of ramen into their respective bowls, grabbing the chopsticks out of the plastic bag and setting them on the counter. You walked to the bathroom, that was in your shared bedroom, to wash your hands before coming back out to migrate the food to the living room. After setting down the bowls, you went back to the kitchen to grab each of you a soda from the fridge, setting those down next to the bowls once you returned to the couch.

You mind numbingly channel surfed on the tv for a little bit, patiently waiting for Touya to get back so that you two could eat together. After about ten minutes, you finally heard the door open and slam shut, the loudness of it causing you to jump. You snapped your head to the door, ready to yell at Touya for scaring you but you gasped instead, seeing him with blood on his face and smoke coming out of his arms as he dropped the bag of laundry onto the floor. You jumped off the couch, almost tripping in the process, as you hurried over to him.

"What the fuck happened, you literally just went out to get our laundry!" you exclaimed as you turned towards the kitchen, grabbing a rag and wetting it under the sink, speed walking back to him. He stayed quiet as you mothered him, wiping off the blood and dirt from his face and arms, your anger slowly rising the longer you went without an answer to your question. Once you decided that he was clean enough, you turned back to the kitchen, throwing the rag into the sink, your anger bubbling in your chest.

Without thinking, you started beelining for the front door, mind on a mission to set out and find whoever hurt Touya, but you were stopped by a strong grip on your arm as he pulled you back to his chest. You tried fighting him at first, trying your best to wiggle free from his grasp, but to no avail, eventually giving up as you rested your head onto his chest, the heavy smell of smoke filling your nose.

"To sum up what happened; I moved your car a little further away but the area I parked it at had some low life thugs wandering around, so they tried jumping me-" he rested his head on top of yours, "-but they got burnt to a crisp after a couple of them got some swings in."

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