Chap 24- Talking Sucks

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A/N: Hello again! I want to re-establish Y/N's independence for a little bit. This next part kind of follows the 'meeting scene' in the manga/anime with Hawks, I'll try my best to not make it boring or repetitive lol. I'm throwing in something that is completely non-canon(obvs) but I thought it would be something interesting to throw in. (just work with me pls lmao). Dabi reappears for a bit but not completely just yet
As always thank you for reading<3


With each faint ding of the elevator, your once happy mood slowly sank with it. The swirling thoughts of your previous training ate away at you as you glanced up at the lights behind the floor numbers.

I'm going to have to heavily apologize to Jin.

You wanted to feel elated that your almost life long problem related to your quirk could maybe be solved, but the dread of Tomura possibly leaving you in the dark about his sudden needing to leave left a heavy feeling in your stomach. He had his reasons, you were sure of it. But whether you fully wanted to face it, was another ordeal.

The final ding rang as the doors slowly slid open. The hallway that held everyone's bedrooms was filled with people milling about. You stepped out into the hallway, a few eyes falling onto you before quickly looking away to continue their conversations. Tomura's room was at the end of the hallway. Damn bastard got the biggest room available since he's the ring leader, something that bugged you in more ways than one, but you knew better than to open your mouth in places it wasn't wanted. Something that you wished some people in this organization would do.

"Y/N!" An all too familiar voice called after you.

And here comes the best example right now

A sigh left your lips as you kept up your pace, "What do you want chicken legs."

A chuckle rumbled out of Hawks' mouth as he walked next to you, his carefree smirk resting on his face. "Haven't seen you for awhile, just wanted to check how you were doing." You refrained from rolling your eyes, opting to keep them trained on the doorknob to Tomura's room instead.

"I'm doing fine Hawks, why do you even care?" you bit.

In a flash, Hawks was in front of you, his giant wings wrapped around you both as some sort of protective barrier, causing you to stop in your tracks. You glared up into his honey eyes, a look of concentrated concern washing over his face. Your face heated up, a light dust of pink settling over your cheeks before you squashed it, chalking it to the heat radiating off his wings.

"Look, Y/N, I messed up, I know-"

"You could say that."

"Just.." He sighed, his feathers drooping slightly before picking back up, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have overstepped my boundaries."

"Well, aren't we captain obvious today?" you remarked as you attempted to side step around him, but his feathers didn't budge. His gloved hands moved to guide you back in front of him, quickly detaching from you after seeing the irritation crossing your face.

"If you make me any later to my meeting with Shigaraki, I'll personally have front row seats to see your wings go bye-bye, now move," you growled. Hawks put his hands up defensively as he retracted his wings, a defeated look on his face. You let your eyes roll finally as you moved around him.

"At Least meet me later?" Hawks called after you, making you stop in your steps. You whipped your head around and leveled your glare towards him, making a quick retrace of your steps to get in his smug face.

"Are you fucking crazy?" you hissed. "Why must you be so persistent about this?"

"I always correct my wrongs, let me make it up to you," he said, practically pleading but wouldn't let it show. You mulled it over for a second before letting out an irritated huff.

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