Chap 27- An Obsessive Truth

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A/N: Season 7 just started for MHA as I'm writing these chaps, y'all excited? Our boy Touya gets more screen time and I'm foaming out the mouth for it.


Anyway, thank you for reading, love y'all ❤️


"He left last night."




"Your call has been-"

*call ended*

You lay flat on your back on your bed, limbs sprawled out as your phone rested on your chest. Your new big bed. In your now bigger room. The room that Tomura lived in, until he up and left you. No. Before he abandoned you.

You tried to cry about it, be upset, but you couldn't. Anger and resentment coursed through your body, but you understood why he did what he did. At the end of everything, he was following orders, just as you should be.

It was falling into evening now, it took you all day to move all your shit around in the room until you were finally satisfied. You weren't tired enough to sleep yet, just frustrated with the rollercoaster of events that the day laid into you.

A knock came at your door, but you didn't budge or even make a noise in hopes the person thought you weren't there. But alas, whoever was knocking knew better because another knock came, making you groan.

"What do you want" you called out, sitting up and sliding to the end of the bed and slipping your phone into your pocket as the door opened slowly.

Spinner came in, looking around the room with wide eyes before scoffing. "Wow, he really just up and left," he commented as he crossed his arms over his chest while walking further into the room after shutting the door behind him.

"There's a lot of reasons behind it but that's not what you're here for I'm assuming," you said, standing up to cross the room to your giant desk that sat next to the big windows that layered the wall opposite of the door. You crossed your arms as you leaned against the front of the desk as Spinner shrugged.

"Just letting you know that Kira was taken care of."

You nodded slowly, "alright then. Anything else?"

Spinner shuffled in his place as he uncrossed his arms to scratch the back of his neck, almost like he didn't want to say whatever was on his mind.

"Please don't tell me that something went wrong," you sighed, leveling your glare into him as his eyes snapped back to you.

"Well no, but uh.." his sentence drifted off as his eyes fell to the floor.

"Spit it out."

He sighed, "someone is outside your door and wants to speak to you but-"

"Who?" You asked, your eyes flicking to the door.


You inhaled a deep breath while closing your eyes, cursing Dabi mentally for how stubborn he is. "Alright, you can go, send his ass in I guess," you said while waving your hand towards the door. Spinner nodded his head before turning around and swiftly leaving the room, leaving the door cracked behind him.

Dabi wasted no time in waltzing his way in, closing the door behind him before looking around the room like Spinner previously had.

He whistled, "I like the upgrade, boss," he said in a mocking tone before his eyes fell onto you.

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