Chap 28- Update And Info

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A/N: hey y'all! Look at me double updating lol

I brought Dabi back, I couldn't stand it anymore lmao. He's pretty much going to be in every chapter from here on out I believe, especially as he takes on the practical role of being y/n's bodyguard/obsessive/possessive boyfriend 🥳

And yes, the next few chaps are really gonna layout how much he's going to stand by his word on protecting y/n. It might fall under a subtle "yandere" behavior but I'm not gonna let it fall that far. Don't worry, Y/N can still hold her own, but personally, I believe Dabi would truly act on the way of just setting the world on fire if the one he loves asked for it, y'know? Lmaoooo

The next chap after this quick one will immediately start with spice, because let's be honest, y'all are here for it🥴

This chapter is going to be used for updating you guys on future plans and to lay out what would be in the folder of info that Hawks gave y/n. I don't want to waste another chap on the folder info like I did with the previous chap, so I thought I'd make this one specifically for that.

It's going to be quite a few more chaps before we fall back into canon storyline, considering how in the manga/anime at this point in the story it's mainly PLF getting ready to fight while the heroes work on building numbers. Call it my excuse to not make this story end so damn fast lol.

Maybe also using this non canon stuff is also my one last hurrah to show that y/n is stepping into the leader role before future chaps step in and make things happen- don't worry, no spoilers here 🤭. I truly am enjoying the way this story is coming together and I appreciate every one of you that's been along for the ride. I for one highly encourage people that if they ever feel like sitting down and writing a fic out just to get it out of their heads or just for fun- do it! It's been really fun seeing how other people enjoy it whether it be thru Wattpad or my IRL friends. The journey isn't done yet, and I do have plans to make other stories when this one is done, this story has just been my "test run" so to speak and it's really working out nicely.

And I do apologize again that my posting isn't as consistent or set to a planned schedule like a lot of writers that I follow usually do, my IRL life is just too chaotic to force myself into a writing schedule. It's easier for me to just write and post when I can, so those that can keep up and stay with me, I appreciate each and every one of you.

Love you guys❤️

Anyway, here's the folder information-


Villain Name: Ballistic

True Name: Kala Shishida- Younger Sister of Yaga & Older Sister of Suki; Shares same mother as Yaga & Suki with a different father

Quirk: Bullets

Quirk Ability: She is able to create bullets with unique specialties. Amount of bullets that can be made is based on her energy. Control of the bullets only base where they're fired, not able to control where they land or when they go off after fired. Downside; can be affected by her own bullets if in the area. List of known bullet types as follows; Explosive, Electric, Toxin, Poisonous, Impact. Her bullets can be made in any shape, letting her use any basic gun that she has access to. List of bullet explanation as follows; Explosive- Explodes upon impact & explosion size is based on size of bullet & if shot into a body will explode about two inches around the bullet hole, Electric- Creates a small electrical field that only spreads to about a foot(?) radius but can spread if water is around & if shot into a body will shock the part of body about two inches from the bullet hole, Toxin- if shot into a body it can affect the nerve endings & amount of nerves based on amount of toxin bullets entered in the body- only works when fired into a body, Poisonous- like toxin it can affect a body when fired into and spread poisonous gas into the lungs and only lungs- doesn't work unless fired into a body, Impact- If fired into something structural it will dent and crack until the structure crumbles & amount of destruction depends on bullet size but if fired at a body it will break bones and bruise/welt skin. Can only make bullet shapes, nothing bigger than bullets such as bombs or rockets.

Threat Level: Extremely & Highly Dangerous

Description: 5'2 Tall, Small but toned frame and pale skin. Pixie cut hair style that comes to a peak in the front, black hair with white highlights throughout. Pure green eyes and facial piercings such as an eyebrow, septum and right nose rings. Works as Yaga's second in command, more commonly seen outside of Yaga's bar than Yaga himself. Likes causing commotion and being the center of attention.

Villain Name: Chameleon

True Name: Suki Shishida- Younger brother of Yaga & Kala; Shares same mother as Yaga & Kala with a different father

Quirk: Shapeshift

Quirk Ability: By looking into the eyes of someone he can take the shape and form of that person. Eye contact must remain unbroken for five seconds for him to take complete shape. His quirk allows him to look and sound like the person he chose, including whatever the person is wearing and their voice, but cannot use that person's quirk. The amount of time for him to hold a form is based on his energy. Cannot use more than one form at a time without reverting to his true self first. Highly athletic and agile, highly trained in hand to hand combat, highly intelligent. Can be taken out of the form by either taking too much damage, being knocked out or killed(?). Cannot take the shape of someone through a photo, must be through eye contact only. Cannot retake a form of someone repeatedly after reverting to his true form unless eye contact is made again.

Threat level: Mildly Dangerous

Description: 5'6 Tall, Lean and athletic form with gray skin. Yellow eyes with vertical slits that he hides behind speciality red glasses to prevent him from taking on a form accidentally. Black and white tattoos on both arms with multiple ear piercings. Long white hair always kept in a ponytail with a single chunk of black hair on the right side. Never seen leaving the bar, (truly unknown due to his quirk), quiet and reserved. Third in charge under Yaga & Kala.

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