Chap 25- A Whirlpool Always Takes You

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A/N: and the wheeeel keeeps on turningg

As always my lovely readers, thank you for reading❤️


"What the fuck happened?!" Tomura's angry voice met your ears as you stepped out of the elevator into Lani's hospital room.

"Tomura I will NOT tell you again, take your tantrum-" Lani started, pulling the curtain around the bed that was holding Dabi before Tomura spun around, cutting her off.

"You don't boss me around-"

"No but I can, now move your ass out of here," you said, grabbing Tomura by the shoulders to guide him back to the elevator. He quickly shrugged you off of him to direct his anger towards you. But you swiftly shut him down by slapping a hand over his mouth. "Elevator. Now. The moment we're out of this hospital room, I'll start explaining."

He huffed as you removed your hand from his mouth before he moved to the elevator, practically slamming his finger into the call button as he glared a hole through the closed doors. Your original intent of coming in here to check on Dabi flew out the window when you saw Tomura in here throwing insults at Lani when she didn't deserve it. You sighed as you pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Y/N" Lani called out to you as she was slipping off her lab coat before tossing it on the chair. "I'm coming with."

You raised your eyebrow as the elevator dinged, the doors opening behind you. "What about Dabi?" You asked, your eyes flicking to him before falling back onto Lani.

"Sleeping beauty? He'll be fine" she shrugged, a small smirk on her face as she stepped into the elevator with you and Tomura. The air in the elevator was heavy with anger ridden tension. It took everything in your willpower to not let your eyes close or to let yourself collapse onto the ground to fall into a much needed slumber.

Lani noticed your exhaustion, the light in your eyes long gone as you stared off into space. She lightly brushed her fingers against your arm, subtly transferring some energy over to you in hopes it would keep you on your feet until you were able to finally get some much needed rest. You felt the surge of energy course through your body, silently thanking her with a small smile as the doors to the elevator opened.

"Start explaining," Tomura said as you all stepped into the very busy common area of the main floor, wasting no time in wanting his answers.

"I don't even know where to start," you said, running a hand through your hair as it fell back into your face.

"Well, figure it out and quickly," Tomura bit, his patience wearing thinner by the minute. You sighed as you finally let your eyes meet Tomura's.

"I was outside with Toga and Twice when we heard what can only be described as an explosion behind the mansion." You crossed your arms over your chest, your eyes falling to the floor. "When we came around the building the entire forest area behind the mansion was on fire with his flames. I had Toga call Skeptic to get any and all water quirks dispatched out there to help me put it out."

Tomura and Lani stayed quiet as you continued explaining. You were thankful for Lani for giving you a boost of energy to get you through the conversation, or else you wouldn't have had the patience for it. You just wanted the day to be done so you could sleep yourself into a coma.

After you finished explaining the whole ordeal, that happened merely two hours ago, Lani tilted her head as her eyebrows furrowed.

"You said he was passed out when you found him?" She asked, your response being a nod. She hummed as her finger rested against her chin. "Would you mind coming back to my medical room with me? I have more questions and it seems you'd be the best person to ask."

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