Chap 26- Damn Cheeky Bird

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A/N: said it before and I'll say it again 🗣️WE LOVE HAWKS IN THIS HOUSEHOLD🗣️

That is all

Thank you for reading❤️


The feather pushed you until you were out the front door of the mansion. The cold air settled around you as you looked around, seeing no sight of the damn winged bastard. The feather nudged you one more time but you huffed, grabbing the feather to bring it right to your face.

"Where the fuck are you trying to take me?" You asked it, to which it once again, only wiggled in response. You sighed. "I'm talking to a fucking feather, I'm really losing my damn mind."

The feather wilted as if it was sad, gently caressing around your finger as it lightly vibrated. Another sigh left you as you looked at the feather, "okay, no more pushing, just guide me."

The feather excitedly shot out of your grip, quickly swiping across your cheek before taking off to your right. You followed suit, putting your hands in the pocket of your sweater after putting up your hood. The feather turned around the corner of the mansion, clearly having no patience to wait for you to catch up.

After a few more minutes of walking, the feather shooting far ahead of you, occasionally coming back to tickle your face before taking off again, you made another right turn around the building. Your eyes followed the feather to the area where it was taking you and you frowned. A small hole of sadness filled your chest as you took in the area.

The feather guided you to the now somewhat cleared out and burnt forest where just yesterday you and your other members worked your asses off putting it out. Your walking slowed as you came across the first burnt stump, kicking it lightly as it crumbled under your foot.

The feather came shooting back at you, tickling your neck before curling itself under your chin to help lift your head up. As you looked up at the small hill next to the burnt forest you saw him. You rolled your eyes and continued walking, making your way up the path that led you to the top of the small hill. As you reached the top you shivered, the breeze not being blocked by trees or the mansion at the peak of the hill.

"Don't you sleep?" You asked as you walked up to Hawks, stuffing your hands further into your pocket if it was possible.

He smiled at you as he turned around, two cups in his hands that were steaming. "The same thing could be said to you, dove." He joked, extending one of the cups towards you as you stopped in front of him. You took the drink, the warmth spreading through your hands as you took in the wonderfully sweet scent of coffee. Hawks jutted his thumb over his shoulder, pointing at the open area behind him, "you're just in time to get front row seats to the beautiful sunrise."

You took a careful sip of the coffee before raising an eyebrow at him, "you seriously brought me all the way out here at six in the morning for a sunrise?"

He shrugged, his boyish grin spreading across his face, "I know you've had a rough go at this whole-" his free hand gestured to the mansion, "-thing so I thought you could use a different scenery, even if it's only for a couple of hours," he casually explained before taking a long sip of his coffee, his honey colored eyes meeting yours.

You smirked, "wow, who knew under that gross, cocky persona is someone who actually cares about people." He scoffed, placing his free hand onto his chest in mock hurt, causing you to laugh. "Relax, pretty boy, I'm kidding."

His signature smirk appeared as he took in your smile, a hint of deviousness playing in his eyes, "we'd make a great duo if your attitude was as nice as your smile."

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