Chap 23- What's Up Doc?

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A/N: Time for a new character! "Lani" is of course someone that doesn't exist in the MHA anime but I have a little bit of plans for her so enjoy!

This chap rolls off the last!


The ding of the elevator pulled you out of your swirling thoughts that seemed to almost never end. As the doors slid open, your eyes were greeted with somewhat bright fluorescent lights that made your eyes water. As you stepped out, you noticed a few hospital style beds laid on one side of the room while the other side had monitors on the wall above a few cabinets filled with what you could only assume was an assortment of medicine.

In the corner was a computer, currently being used by a woman with long lilac hair that was wavy and up in a high ponytail. She was wearing a white lab coat and had the sleeves rolled up to her elbows as she typed something out on the computer.

She seemed so engrossed into the computer that she must've not heard you step into the room. You cleared your throat as you uncrossed your arms while stepping further into the room.

"Take a seat on that bed, I'll be with you in a moment," her sweet voice said as she pointed at the bed closest to her, with her long finger. You nodded, even though she couldn't see you do it, and did as she said, your back pinching as you sat down on the surprisingly soft bed. Within a few minutes, she was done typing up whatever she was doing as she pushed herself away from the computer to face you.

"Oh, y/n. What a nice surprise," she said, her gentle voice matching the soft smile she wore on her face. Her eyes matched the same color lilac as her hair, while her mouth had small, almost vampire style, pointed canines that shockingly didn't take away from her kind face. She was pale, with small pointed ears that were almost hidden by her long hair and perfectly cut bangs that sat atop big, round yet thin glasses. She was older than you, that much you could tell, but she didn't have any wrinkles other than some small crinkles around her eyes from smiling a bit too much.

She was wearing a gray turtleneck under her lab coat along with some black ripped jeans and plain black tennis shoes. With how busty and curvy she is, no wonder most of the men in the building wouldn't stop talking about her. Hell, if you didn't think any better than most men, you would too.

Holy shit, shut up brain.

"It's nice to finally meet our wonderful second in command, my name is Lani and if you couldn't guess-" she slid her chair closer to the bed you were sitting on with ease, "-my specialty is taking care of all you adorable trouble makers."

Her use of the word "adorable" for high time villains made one of your eyebrows lift. You moved to shake her perfectly manicured hand as you grinned at her.

"Nice to finally meet you as well, Lani," you said, voice a bit rough from the yelling you were doing earlier. She didn't let go of your hand after you shook hers, instead using your hand to turn your arm over to examine your veins. She slid her glasses down to the tip of her nose as she looked at your arm, her eyes flashing yellow as she did so before changing back to the calming lilac as she smiled up at you.

"You have some wonderful, yet interesting, veins y/n," she commented, letting go of your hand before turning around to the counter behind her to grab her clipboard as she slid her glasses back up.

"Uh, thanks?" you said, your confusion only causing Lani to stifle a laugh.

"It's a good thing, I promise," she clarified, scribbling something down on her paper as she peered back up at you. "I can see that your secondary quirk runs through your veins causing your blood to run a bit more.. runny than normal. Which explains why your nose is still dripping," she said while pointing her pen towards your nose as her smile never faltered.

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