Chapter 5- An explanation that you deserve

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A/N: I'm aware Dabi would not just up and tell someone his backstory but for the sake of this fic, he's going to lol. Especially once he realizes that he and y/n have... something in common. It's also not explained if Dabi has an actual place to stay outside the LOV, but a lot of fics I've read say so, so that's what we're going with lol. Also, I personally love caring Dabi so expect that in this chapter and throughout the fic.

Thank you for reading<3


Your eyes fluttered open, then immediately squeezed shut, feeling the utter dryness from them. You rolled your e/c eyes around before slowly opening them again, being greeted by an unfamiliar ceiling. You groaned, sitting up and resting your head in your hands, head feeling like it was hit by a truck. You rubbed your face, the exhaustion hitting you as your head throbbed every time your heart would beat meanwhile your throat felt like you ate an entire bag of sand, almost making you cough. Then you froze, your brain being a little slow at realizing you didn't recognize where you were.

You lifted your head slowly, wrapping your arms around yourself, and looked around the room, taking everything in. It was a basic room, nothing in it to really tell you where you were. A bed with a bedside table, a dresser, a recliner, a closet and a doorway that looked like it led to a bathroom. The bed wasn't anything fancy, just a basic mattress with some black sheets and a gray comforter along with a couple black pillows. You looked down, still dressed in your outfit from yesterday, minus your jacket and shoes. How do you not remember being brought here? You remember being in your car-


You felt around your pockets, realizing your phone, wallet and keys were missing. You looked around the room frantically, only to see your stuff sitting on the dresser that was across the room. You relaxed, but only a little considering you still were unaware of where you were. You swung your legs, got up from the bed and walked over to the dresser. You checked your phone and grimaced, seeing you had a couple missed calls from Tomura and that you're now apparently a part of a group chat? You shook your head while opening the group chat, realizing it was put together by Toga and Twice. You scrolled through the list of contacts that were in the group, smiling at all the nicknames they came up with for each other along with the name of said group chat.


10:31 AM- SpaceBuns: Yay! Now we can all talk to each other!!  :3

10:31 AM- KnockoffDeadpool: I don't think that's what this is for. Of course it is, this is amazing!

10:40 AM- WalkingFurnace: Who said I wanted to be apart of this?

10:42 AM- MagicMan: Have a sense of humor for once Dabi

10:42 AM- SpaceBuns: Yeah!! Big meanie (ミ ̄ー ̄ミ)

10:42 AM- WalkingFurnace: Whatever

10: 50 AM- HandyMan: Dabi

10:52 AM- WalkingFurnace: What do you want

10:52 AM- HandyMan: Where is y/n

10:52 AM- HandyMan: She was last seen with you according to Kurogiri

10:53 AM- HandyMan: If you did something stupid, I will level this city out until I find you, that much I can promise

10:54 AM- SpaceBuns: ooooooo

10:54 AM- KnockoffDeadpool: oooooo

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