Chap 19- A Spiraling Fall

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A/N: ~This is your trigger warning for disassociation, anxiety, panic attacks and depression like spiraling~

Love you guys, be safe and always take care of yourselves<3



It didn't take long for people to hear about the fight between you and Dabi, considering you two weren't exactly quiet. Gossip around the PLF spreads like a forest fire, especially when it involves a lieutenant and one of the leaders. Thankfully, on the flip side of the rumor mill, you know that Dabi recruited Spinner and Toga to help him remove the two parasites known as the Tsubasu twins. According to Toga's texts, the two were trying to sabotage you to quote unquote- 'knock you down a few pegs'- so that they could hurt you. Now, they were nothing but burnt bloody scuff marks on the floor.

Since then, you've been sulking in your room alone, ignoring all the knocks that came to your door, bouncing between sobbing in your bed, resisting the urge to hurl yourself out the fifth story window and puking. Food didn't sound appetizing. You kept the lights off, with the exception of your fairy lights around the walls, as you kept yourself wrapped in your cold comforter, missing the smell of-


You don't miss him

Fuck him

Fuck him and his inability to trust you

You sighed into your pillows, a sob wanting to rack your chest but no tears following suit, probably because you cried your tear ducts dry, causing your chest to ache as you hiccuped. You took your hand out of the blanket burrito and felt around your bed, knocking off a few plushies in an attempt to find your phone. When you didn't feel it, you sat up, looking onto the floor to see if it fell off, picking up the few plushies you knocked off before spotting it.

After grabbing it and sitting back up on your bed, you booted your phone back on and waited for the flood of messages to stop making your phone vibrate. Once it stopped, you scrolled through the messages, seeing plenty from Toga and Twice, some from the group chat, a message from an unknown number and few social media notifications.

You opened the message from the unknown number;

5:05PM- Unknown: hey haven't seen you around today, you okay little rose?

Why did that nickname sound familiar? You squeezed your eyes shut and racked your brain, but nothing came to you as you sighed while typing a response.

5:50PM- Dryad: who is this and how did you get my number?

You didn't expect an almost immediate response.

5:50PM- Unknown: -gasp-

5:50PM- Unknown: I'm truly hurt y/n

5:51PM- Unknown: and here I thought we were friends🥺

You quirked your eyebrow, looking at the wall to try and rack your brain again before your phone continued vibrating as more messages flooded in.

5:52PM- Unknown: hey! Don't leave me on read!😤

5:52PM- Unknown: you really don't know who I am?

5:53PM- Unknown: come onnnn!

5:53PM- Unknown: it's your favorite pretty boy!

Pretty boy?

Who the fu-


5:54PM- Dryad: oh

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