Chapter 6- An LOV adventure moment

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A/N: Hey y'all! Sorry for the bit of a longer one last chap, I tried to cut down some of it but any more than what I did and it would've taken so much away from the chapter. But hey! They realized they have the same goal, a connection hit and I even snuck a makeout session in there!

I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far, I've been looking forward to this next chapter tbh so I hope you guys enjoy it too! Thank you for reading <3


You rushed out of the portal, immediately spotting Toga sitting on a box next to Twice, playing cards together. You ran over to her, Dabi close behind you, coming to a halt, startling both her and Twice. You grabbed her shoulders and started checking her over frantically, earning a giggle from her.

"What the fuck is so funny, what is your emergency?!" you asked with a slight panic in your tone, grabbing her face. She continued to giggle, Twice joining in on the giggle fit, causing you to pout in frustration. "You didn't have an emergency did you," you said, smacking the back of her head and standing back up. She shook her head, giggle fit slowly dying down as you smacked Twice on the back of head for good measure.

"We just knew it would get you back here faster," she said, wiping her eyes and smiling. "What were you two doing anyway, you were gone for awhile" she grinned, insinuation filling her voice. She raised her eyebrows at you while your face slightly flushed. You turned to walk away but got grabbed by your hand by both Twice and Toga, who were giving you giant puppy dog eyes when you looked back at them. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.

"What do you two want?" you asked, ripping your hand from theirs to cross your arms.

"You have a vehicle, right?" Toga asked, getting up from the box. You shook your head yes, eyebrow raising. "Well, do you think you could take us shopping?" she begged, clasping her hands together while you furrowed your brows. You were flabbergasted to say the least.

"You're kidding me, right-" you screwed your eyes shut, "-if this is a joke Toga babe, it's very poor" you laughed, uncrossing your arms to rub your face.

"We're just bored and-"

"Toga-" you grabbed her shoulders bringing your face close to hers "-you do realize we're the most wanted criminals in the country right now, right?" you asked, shaking her slightly.

"I know I know but I just want to take an adventure with you guys before we can't," she whined, slightly stomping her feet like a kid. You sighed, pondering for a minute before looking over your shoulder at Dabi.

"Don't look at me princess, I don't care what we do," he shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. You debated what to do for a minute, before looking back at Toga. You reminded yourself that she is just a kid. She just wants to spend time with her new makeshift family, there's no harm in humoring her.

"Do you have blood that isn't a hero or one of us that you could use as a disguise?" You asked her. She shook her head yes quickly before grinning really wide. You looked at Twice, "do you have something else you can wear that won't make you lose your mind?" He also shook his head yes quickly. You looked over your shoulder at Dabi, raising your eyebrow to ask him the same question.

"I have masks on me I would just need to find a hoodie," he shrugged. "Can always ask Kurogiri to send me back to my place to grab one real quick."

"Do you think I could borrow a pair of sweats?" You asked Dabi, almost immediately regretting your decision as a wide smirk grew on his face.

"Aw, already trying to steal my clothes princess?" He asked, a low chuckle escaping his lips. You blushed furiously, letting go of Toga to cross your arms.

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