Chapter 12- Just Admit It

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A/N: He noticed.

Back to non canon stuff :)

(More smut in this chap: ^*^)


"Tomura, you should've seen the way this Nomu handled the pros, it was amazing!" you said excitedly, the memory of the way the Nomu threw Endeavor around Kyushu filled you with happiness. You leaned over the bathroom sink to get closer to the mirror, using a wipe to clean off your face from the long day you've had, your phone sitting on the counter on speaker.

"Yeah I got the feedback from the doctor already, it seems like our highends will do us some good for once," Tomura commented. "Good work out there, although the one on one with the pros at the end was a bit unnecessary."

You tossed the wipe into the trash as you grabbed your phone, taking it off speaker as you stepped back into the bedroom. "Yeah well, I had to get the Nomu back one way or another, didn't want to just hand him over to the pros after all the hard work that the doctor did," you said as you slipped off your pants, phone cradled between your ear and shoulder. You threw your pants into a pile that you started with dirty clothes, making a mental note about how you needed to do laundry soon. You then put your phone back onto speaker, setting it on the dresser as you slipped off your crop top and bra, your breasts relaxing after being confined all day.

"Either way, the test run was worth it, thanks for checking in with me," Tomura said as you grabbed your phone again, taking it off speaker and putting it up to your ear as you walked back to the bathroom.

"Well I told you I would be better about it so here we are," you said as you grabbed another wipe, wiping off your chest and neck, not realizing how weirdly dirty you got while keeping the phone up to your ear.

"How's your body feeling?" Tomura suddenly asked, voice changing in tone, letting you know that he was genuinely curious how you were feeling. You lowered your hand, taking in all the scars littering your body now that you were almost naked, save the panties you were still wearing. You looked at the burn on your shoulder, smiling at how it was practically gone at this point before shaking your head.

"I'm uh, I'm doing alright," you finally responded, going back to wiping off the dirt from your shoulders and arms. It was then that Touya walked into the bathroom in just his boxers, shirt on his arms as he was in the process of taking it off, probably headed to take a shower. He paused as he realized you were standing in front of the mirror, breasts out and free for his viewership, causing him to smirk as he tossed his shirt to the ground. "Told you I was trying to take it easy on our down low days, and that's what I'm doing," you continued, making eye contact with Touya as you saw the mischievous look in his eyes as he stepped behind you.

(^*^)(forewarning for branding/pain kinks and praise kinks)

"Good, don't need you dying on me again," Tomura said, his way of trying to make a joke flying over your head as you watched Touya bring his hands to your hips with a harsh grasp, causing you to almost yelp before correcting yourself, keeping in mind that you were on the phone.

"W- what do you mean again?" you asked, trying to hold up your end of the conversation the best you could as Touya's hand slipped up your sides slowly, goosebumps following in his wake.

"Don't ask dumb questions, you know what I'm talking about," Tomura said, a little bit of irritation filling his tone at your sudden lack of concentration for the conversation. Touya's hands went back down to your hips slowly, fingers hooking under your panty line, letting it lightly snap against your skin as you watched him, the light snap causing you to gasp a little.

"I didn't die I- uh I just needed surgery, stop being dramatic," you bit back, trying your best to keep your composure as Touya's hands slipped up your stomach, fingers grazing underneath your breast, sending goosebumps over them, making your nipples harden ever so slightly. Touya then started lightly kissing your neck and shoulders as his hands slowly started grasping your breasts, his middle fingers pressing your nipples against your chest while simultaneously rubbing them in circles, sending fire down your stomach and crotch. You took a deep breath, remembering again that you were still on the phone. "Look, Tomura, I'm exhausted and it's late, I'm going to head to bed, goodnight," you said quickly, barely hearing him agree with you before you hung up, barely able to set your phone down onto the counter before having to grasp it tightly, Touya's teasing finally catching up to you.

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