Clarke had the last three spots to fill.
The bunker Jaha led her and Bellamy to was useless. And now she was complying to Raven's demands and making the list.
She wrote down Bellamy's name under hers.
She felt the guilt already sinking in as she stared at her name written in the 98th spot.
She stared at the last spot. She couldn't sacrifice everyone. There were too many people to choose one.
Tears started to fill her eyes, blurring the paper in front of her until they fell. She sighed and rubbed her head.
She heard Bellamy getting up from the couch, waking from his sleep. He walked over to her as she looked ashamed at the paper.
"If I'm on that list, so is she. Faye needs to be on there." He said.
"Bellamy." Clarke said. "I can't."
"Write it down, or I will." He insisted.
"I can't choose her over our own people, Bellamy. I promised them." Clarke said through her tears.
He took the paper and wrote Faye's name in the 100th spot.
"So what now?" Clarke asked.
"Now we put it away and hope we never have to use it." Bellamy said, staring at all the names.
"You still have hope?" Clarke asked.
"We still breathing? Get some sleep." He told her, leaving to go to his own room.
He knew it was stupid, but he grabbed the radio.
- - -
"If the radiation is already here, what do we do?" Kane asked.
Kane, Octavia, and Gaia all stood in Faye's room, waiting for an answer.
"We can't do anything. Clarke's working on a solution." Octavia reminded them.
"But does she know we have less time?" Kane wondered out loud.
"Faye?" Bellamy sounded from the radio on Faye's bedside table.
"Everybody shut up." Faye told them. "Bellamy? Are you okay?" Faye asked.
"Everyone's fine. We might have found a solution." He said. "Who's with you?"
"We can speak freely." Faye told him.
"Abby may have found a way to survive using Nightblood."
Faye watched everyone looking confused.
"If not, Clarke and Raven are working to get Arkadia patched up. Radiation will be here in 2 months." Bellamy explained.
"How does Abby know Nightblood will work?" Faye asked.
"Because Luna was the only one of her clan to survive the radiation." He told her.
"Which means it's already here. If it works, make sure to let us know." Faye said.
"I will. But if this plan fails, make sure you all get here fast."
"We will." Faye said, assuring him of their safety. She set the radio down.
"What do we do?" Octavia asked.
"Everyone leave. We'll discuss this tomorrow." Faye said, dismissing them all.
- - -
"What if Arkadia can't hold both of our people?" Faye asked, resting her head in her hand.
"Clarke will make sure it can hold everyone." Kane assured. Even as he spoke, he knew it was a lie. Clarke had told him it would only fit so many.
Suddenly the doors opened and Roan walked in.
"Tell me the plan." He demanded.
"The plan?" Kane asked, looking back at Faye.
"It's been 3 weeks since you told me Praimfaya would once again destroy our world. Skaikru asked for time to find a solution. What do they have to show for it?"
Kane looked back at Faye, silently asking how much to tell, but he knew she wouldn't want to reveal the whole truth.
"We're still working on it." Kane said, even if Roan was talking to the commander and not him. "Hopefully with more time—"
"Enough. Echo." Roan called in his spy.
Faye watched Echo bring in a Skaikru guard while one of men pulled someone else along.
"Stephens, Bellamy, are you all right?" Kane stepped towards them.
Faye stood when she saw Bellamy dragged into the room. The two were forced onto their knees.
"What is this?" Faye demanded, resting her hand on the hilt of her sword.
"Echo saw Skaikru rebuilding there ship. She captured these two hunting in my woods. This one says it's a shelter from the radiation." Roan gestured to the blood guard.
"It's a backup plan, nothing more." Kane admitted.
"He said that, too, just before he told us that you have a Nightblood. You already have your commander, why do you need another Nightblood?"
"You have to trust me." Kane said, looking at Faye for help.
"Roan, they've discovered that Nightblood helps metabolize radiation. They are searching for ways to turn everyone into Nightbloods so we may all survive."
"Blasphemy." Echo said. "Nothing she says is true."
"This is. It's not blasphemy. It's-It's science. If Nightblood can save lives, we should use it." Kane said.
There was a long pause before Roan sent Echo a look and she slit Stephens's throat.
"No! No! No." Kane yelled.
"Warriors don't reveal there secrets." Echo said.
"Roan!" Faye gripped his arm, forcing him to face her.
"If their intentions were pure, why didn't they share the plan with us. Why didn't you if you're so set on being allies?" Roan said. "Our alliance is broke. Skaikru and Trikru are the enemy."
"Take the king and his warriors back to Azgeda. Release the prisoners. Try anything like this again and their won't be an Ice Nation for you to save!"
Fanfiction"I'm sorry, I just can't pretend to be something like that." "But you are something. You are Worheda." Faye kom Trikru will have to put her past behind her to save her future and people.