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A years ago, it was Alice as little girl at elementary school who is getting bullied by two twins.

Alice:please give it back!

Boy 1:shut up!you think just because you're rich, you get to show off you 72 color pencils?

Alice:no.. Give it back..


Mana:stop that.

Alice and the bullied turned their attention to little mana and rikka who are angry at the two.

Mana:you guys are the worst, picking on a girl!

The two twins gritted their teeth in annoyance and possibly embarrassment. Alice is glad and happy that her friends stood up for her.


Back to present time, mana and rikka are at the alice mansion to have a tea party.

Sebastian:today's tea is darjeeling first flush.

The Butler, Sebastian poured some tea for the girls.

Sebastian:please enjoy with your favorite cherry blossom jam.

Mana:thank you.

She grabbed her cup of tea and took a sip on it.

Mana:wow, it's so good.

Rikka:it taste like springs.

The two fairies were behind the sofa and whisperer at mana.

Sharuru:this isn't the time to drink tea-sharu!

Raquel:we have to look for lance!

Mana:i know, i know.

Rikka:so, what's up, alice?i thought our monthly tea party wasn't until next week.

Mana:what do you want to talk about?

Alice took a sip of her tea before she could speak to them.

Alice:yes. That's right. I want to talk about the kamen rider and precure, of course.

The two spit out their tea while coughing in surprise.

Mana, rikka:what?

Mana:precure and kamen rider?

Rikka:why the precure and kamen rider?

Alice:as for the Precure, Sebastian-chan.

Sebastian:yes, milady.

Sebastian pulls out a remote controlled and pressed a button in which a chair is raising up. To their Surprise, it was lance sitting under the chair that was raised up and drinking the tea.


Mana and others:Lance?



At the kotaro house, naoya return to the house and tell kotaro and hirose that karasuma and others was the one who undid the undead seal as hirose feel shocked.

Hirose:no!i don't believe it!saying that chief karasuma was the one who undid the undead"s seal..!

Naoya:but, the Chief said it himself, didn't he? That he was responsible for it or something. And Tachibana-san said that they did it, it was their mistaken...

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