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At kotaro house,which was nightime, shima began explaining more about the undead after he revealed himself to be one the whole time.

Shima:originally, the undead fought because their instinct was to protect their species, but.. I suppose i never had that. I never wished to fight in the first place.

Naoya processes all of his words and looked at the ground.


Naoya turned to hirose.

Hirose:show me it again.

He nodded and handed the rouze absorbed to hirose as she inspected the device closer.

Hirose:this was made by chief karusama himself.

Naoya out a small smile.

Naoya:i feel so touched. He didn't forget about us.

Kotaro and hirose smiled back, which also made shima smile.


At the kamijo residence, mutsuki was laying on the bed with both of his hands on the back of his hair. He soon widened his eyes.

Mutsuki:that.. I see.

He immediately got up, and his expression was replaced with a scowl because of the spider undead possession over him.

Mutsuki(spider undead):he is.. Category king...!



Next day, naoya was all set for the test that the girls were going to take. Although he did not have to go, he insisted that he wanted to go and help them. He brought a small luggage with snacks and a bottle of water just in case. Hirose, kotaro, Tachibana and shima were all downstairs waiting for him.

Naoya:I'm ready to go.

Hirose:be safe out there with the girls.

Kotaro:are you sure that you want to go?

Naoya:one hundred percent sure.

Tachibana:in that case, we continued to hunt down more undead during your absence.

Tachibana pat naoya shoulder with a smile. Naoya nodded his head.

Shime:give the girls my regards and be safe out there. You don't know what will awaits you.

Naoya:i will. I see you guys later.

He smiles at them one more time before heading outside and noticed the girls were waiting for him. Mana waves her head at him.

Mana:naoya-san, we're waiting for you. Come on!

Naoya:all right.

He entered the limousine with the girls, then Sebastian drove off.


Few hours later, they were currently inside a plane that belonged to the yostuba, and Sebastian was the pilot. The fairies wore sunglass and had their hands behinds their heads while relaxing.

Rikka:hey, is that huge bag yours, mana?

Mana was holding ai.


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