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At the dock,the real ryo was cornered to the edge of the water by the tortoise undead had nowhere else to run. His fear grew much stronger aw the undead was getting closer.

Ryo:stop!stop it!leave me alone!

The undead growled and was preparing to finish him off. Kotaro caught up and saw what was happening.


Ryo screamed as his life was about to come an end. Suddenly, blade appeared and tackle the undead as the two rolled across the floor before they engaged in combat.


He heard a loud laughter and turned to see that azumi had caught up with them. She transform into her undead form while still laughing and walking forward. She balled up her fist and backhanded kotaro in the face. He screamed and was sent rolling to the floor.he groaned and saw garren behind the serpent undead.


Garren stopped as he examined the female undead.

Garren:category queen!

Azumi stopped in front of hajime and let out an evil smile on her face.

Serpent:this is it, say goodbye, joker.

She brought up her right hand with her claw brandished. Ryo screamed once again and brought up his arms to shield himself. Just as she was About to slash at bim, he quickly stopped and sensed mo undead aura coming from him, much to her confusion and shock.

Serpent:wait a minute.. You're not the joker. Why do you share the same face as him in his human form?

Ryo:i don't know what you're talking about!just please don't kill me!I've done nothing wrong!

With her distracted, garren took the chance to strike her while pulling her away from ryo. Garren threw bis fist forward as she slid to the side and Dodge another punch attack. She kicked garren hip before driving her left heel against his chest plate. Garren grunted and staggered back. The serpent undead grabbed garren with the snakes and pulled him close to her face as she glared into his visor.

Azumi:you, where is the joker?!

Garren:"joker"? What are you talking about?!

Azumi:don't play dumb with me, kamen rider!tell me where he is!

Garren:you're the one who's not making any sense!are you just spouting these nonsense just to get to us?

Azumi had enough of Garren and tossed him away. She turned and extended the snake to latch themselves around blade. Blade screamed in surprise and was pulled toward her.

Azumi:where is the joker?the man over there is not the joker!where are you hiding him?!

Blade:i don't know what you mean!

Azumi frustration grew as she began to squeezed blade.

Azumi:last chance. Tell me or i will squeezed your eyeballs out of your skull!

Blade wheezed as he was being squeezed tighter than before. Garren recovered and fired at azumi back. She grunted in pain and released blade from grasp. Garren fired more bullet again, but the tortoise undead jumped in front of the bullet to shield them with it's body hardened like rocks. Azumi raised her head and looked at the riders and ryo. She gritted her teeth and fangs in angry.

Azumi:let's go!we deal with them after we find the real joker!

Azumi spun as an aura shrouded her body before she disappeared. The tortoise undead growled at them one more time before leaping into the water. Garren rushed and fired at the water, but to no use.

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